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Posts posted by bueller646

  1. hi im having trouble making a perfectly legal celebi as i don't really know the correct event or date when i would have recieved it and i can't seem to find one with the correct IV's. Thanks in advance

    Pokemon: celebi

    Held Item: leftovers

    Level: 100

    Ability: natural cure

    Nickname (If wanted): none

    Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Phil

    Trainer Gender (If specific): male

    Trainer ID (If specific): doesn't matter

    Secret ID (If specific): doesn't matter

    Pokemon Gender (If specific): none

    Shiny (Yes or No): no

    Egg (Yes or No): no

    Nature: bold

    Attacks: leech seed, recover, hidden power, energy ball

    PP (max or normal): max

    Pokérus Status: No Status

    Pokéball Captured In: poke ball

    Battle Stats: max

    IV Stats: 31 HP, 0 Atk, 23 Def, 20 Spd, 16 SpA, 31 SpD

    EV Stats: 252 HP, 36 Spe, 220 SpD

    Ribbons (If any): none

    Location/Date Met: doesn't matter but i would like this pokemon to be as legal as possible so please pick a likely location/date

    Level Met At: same as above, i'd like this to be as legal as possible so any level that you would think

    Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): none

    Happiness: doesn't matter

    Contest Stats: doesn't matter

    I would like the .pkm file for this pokemon please

  2. i've been playing shoddy for a little while and iv come to the point where im only winning about half of my battles and i don't know what to change. any advice that you guys can give is greatly appreciated

    so here's the latest revision of my team:

    Infernape (M) @ Focus Sash

    Ability: Blaze

    EVs: 64 Atk/192 Spd/252 SAtk

    Hasty nature (+Spd, -Def)

    - Fake Out

    - Stealth Rock

    - Fire Blast

    - Close Combat

    ---lead: fake out first then stealth rock. i've really gotten to like this lead because of its reliability and good type coverage against other leads.

    Suicune @ Leftovers

    Ability: Pressure

    EVs: 252 HP/252 Def/4 Spd

    Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)

    - Calm Mind

    - Rest

    - Sleep Talk

    - Surf

    ---wall/calm mind sweeper. im not so sure about suicune's synergy with this team. i previously had starmie in this spot.

    Gengar (M) @ Life Orb

    Ability: Levitate

    EVs: 4 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk

    Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)

    - Energy Ball

    - Shadow Ball

    - Focus Blast

    - Thunderbolt

    ---great type coverage with this set plus immunity to ground and fighting

    Tyranitar (M) @ Life Orb

    Ability: Sand Stream

    EVs: 160 HP/252 Atk/96 Spd

    Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

    - Stone Edge

    - Pursuit

    - Crunch

    - Aqua Tail

    ---my sweeper. tyranitar usually does a pretty good job with the heavy hitting

    Dusknoir (M) @ Leftovers

    Ability: Pressure

    EVs: 252 HP/28 Atk/228 Def

    Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk)

    - Will-o-wisp

    - Pain Split

    - Ice Punch

    - Fire Punch

    ---my main physical/special wall

    Scizor (M) @ Life Orb

    Ability: Technician

    EVs: 248 HP/252 Atk/8 Spd

    Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

    - U-turn

    - Bullet Punch

    - Superpower

    - Pursuit

    ---pretty much the standard revenge killer for OU though i am definitely considering switching him out for a weavile because i don't have much of a counter to dragon types

  3. hey im new to this forum and to shoddy battling but i have been playing frequently to get used to it. this is my first try on an OU team and any suggestions would be great :smile:

    ok heres my team:

    Azelf @ Focus Sash

    Ability: Levitate

    EVs: 4 Atk/252 Spd/252 SAtk

    Naive nature (+Spd, -SDef)

    - Stealth Rock

    - Psychic

    - Explosion

    - Fire Blast

    my stealth rock lead. he seems to do his job pretty well though he tends to be more of a suicide lead than anything


    Heatran (M) @ Choice Scarf

    Ability: Flash Fire

    EVs: 6 Atk/252 Spd/252 SAtk

    Naive nature (+Spd, -SDef)

    - Fire Blast

    - Earth Power

    - Explosion

    - Dragon Pulse

    i usually use heatran as a counter to the ever popular scizor and i like switching him into other fire types so i can activate flash fire.


    Jolteon (M) @ Choice Specs

    Ability: Volt Absorb

    EVs: 4 Def/252 Spd/252 SAtk

    Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)

    - Thunderbolt

    - Hidden Power [ice]

    - Shadow Ball

    - Baton Pass

    I absolutely love jolteon with its 130 speed and thunderbolt stab it works pretty well for taking down gyrados and starmie's


    Weavile (M) @ Choice Band

    Ability: Pressure

    EVs: 40 HP/252 Atk/2 Def/216 Spd

    Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

    - Ice Shard

    - Ice Punch

    - Pursuit

    - Brick Break

    Weavile is my primary revenge killer. i use ice shard for stopping salamence and other dragon rampages mostly.


    Blissey (F) @ Leftovers

    Ability: Natural Cure

    EVs: 252 HP/4 Def/252 SDef

    Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)

    - Softboiled

    - Protect

    - Flamethrower

    - Toxic

    probably the most common wall in the game. i don't know if there's a wall that may work better for this team or not but its usually pretty reliable.


    Kingdra (M) @ Leftovers

    Ability: Swift Swim

    EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd

    Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

    - Dragon Dance

    - Waterfall

    - Outrage

    - Substitute

    kingdra does a great job as a mid game sweeper for me with its great type coverage. if it gets the chance to set up substitute and a couple dragon dances it almost always ko's at least 3 oppenent pokemon


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