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Posts posted by Eon-Rider

  1. after a nice vacation, im back to hacking.

    i found some problems with my froslass posted above, mainly with the PID.

    Which type fits?




    i will have another .pkm later today but can someone help with this PID problem?

    Use your common sense. Was Froslass ever a Pokemon from a GBA game?

  2. Alright, so basically... even if the Suicune passes Nintendo's checks, anyone looking at it will be able to tell that it's hacked? Hmm.

    No, if anyone will be able to tell whether it's illegal or legal it would Nintendo. Otherwise, no one will be able to tell. The only place you'd even have a chance of being caught at is at an official Nintendo tournament.

    And I didn't know Japanese Jirachis could be unrestricted GBA events... see this is why I need a list. xD

    You'd know if you read the Readme that comes with the Legality Checker.

    - Common GBA Event (Restricted) - This type is seen with particular promotional GBA pokemon.

    The following pokemon should ALWAYS be this type.

    - WISHMKR Jirachi

    - 10th Anniversary Pokemon (All countries)

    - Bryant Park 10 ANIV Pokemon

    - SPACE C Deoxys

    - DOEL Deoxys

    - ROCKS & Festa Metang

    - GW, Yokohama & ANA pikachu

    - Mitsurin Celebi

    - Sunday Pikachu and Wobbuffet

    - PCJP Pokemon

    - Pokepark Pokemon

    - Hadou Mew and Regis

    - Tanabata Jirachi (2004-2006)

    - Aura Mew (CANNOT BE SHINY)

    - Common GBA Event (Unrestricted) - This type is seen with particular promotional GBA pokemon.

    The following pokemon use both restricted & unresticted:

    - Pokemon Center Japan

    - Negai Boshi Jirachi

    - Pokemon Box pichu, skitty, swablu, and zigzagoon

    - MYSTRY mew

  3. Without even checking the PKM files, I can tell there are going to be issues with at least two of the Pokemon; Jirachi and Suicune.

    A legal English Jirachi is very hard to make. The solution? Make a Japanese Negaiboshi Jirachi. They can be unrestricted GBA events.

    There two types of Suicune. The first is the roaming one from Fire Red and Leaf Green. This Suicune is not ideal to use because it always has horrible IVs. The other Suicune is the one you obtain from Pokemon Colosseum. This one can have high IVs but cannot be made legal because the algorithm the PID conforms to is unknown.

  4. The OT is アゲト, the SID should be 0 and the place you met it should be Pal Park because it was migrated from a GBA game.

    You should also be aware that your Celebi will never be legal unless someone finds out the Pokemon Colosseum algorithm.

  5. I edited the ID, Secret ID, OT Name and Nickname of a Lugia from Pokemon xD, who previously had an Unknown GBA Type in the Legality Checker, to match my ID, Secret ID, etc. I also put the edited file through the Trash Byte Normalizer. It now shows the type as Normal NDS or GBA. What caused this to change exactly and how can I prevent it?

    Well you've pretty much made the Pokemon illegal by doing this and you probably won't be able to make it legal again because the algorithm the GC games use is unknown.

  6. Uhm, I believe when it says what I quoted above, it shows it is fake. (Maybe there are special cercumstances,) I'm not an expert on this.

    Actually, that would hint towards it being real. However, that does not mean it is definitely legit because hacked GBA Pokemon also have this type.

  7. No, that's incorrect. It would not make it legit (or even legal for that matter). The roaming dogs in Fire Red and Leaf Green all had ridiculously low IVs. The one from Colosseum had a PID that should state ""Unknown GBA type" in the Legality Checker.

    Since the said Suicune is neither, it is not legal.

  8. What are the conditions for a Pokemon that was hatched in the GBA games then sent to D/P? Does it follow the algorithms to get a PID or is it completely random like the DS games? Does the Pokemon have any data for the Egg fields in Pokesav or are they disregarded when you send them over Pal Park?

    I currently don't actually have any of the GBA games that have actually made it as far as the breeding centres to test myself. xD

  9. Um, it's nearly impossible obtaining a real genuine R4, since the company doesn't produce them anymore. But yes you should see the reviews.

    The top contenders of the DS Phat/Lite flash carts are:

    M3 Real / Sakura?

    CycloDS Evolution

    Personally, Acekard is in my top 3 with the two you've posted.

  10. 31 IV's isn't illegal, it's still legit. And the Level 0 part is because he didn't fill it in. You don't need to fill it in when it's a hatched pokemon.

    Also, yep this is illegal though. A female Flygon with all 31 IV's cannot possibly have the Lonely Nature with the PID: 3581836301

    The only possible PID for a female Flygon with all 31 IV's with a Lonely Nature is 2443831376

    As for the Hidden Hex Values and the Trash Bytes i'm not too confident with that. Ask someone else or read some other threads.

    I don't mean to be rude but I believe everything you just said is incorrect. Met at Level should be 1 and the PID is fine because Egg Pokemon don't have corresponding PIDs to IVs.

  11. Nintendo Connection Tour? Like an official tournament? Rotom (all forms) are banned in the tournament.

    Nah, it isn't an official tournament. It's just an Nintendo event where they demonstrate new features of Wii. Since there will be Secret Key distribution as well, I thought there might be some decent players there.

    Thanks for your feedback on my team. I suppose I actually like UU Pokemon more than I actually care about winning. xD

    I just hate using all those incredibly overused Pokemon. I'll experiment with your suggestions though as well as the ones others have posted.

  12. yeah if you could post the .sav file that would be nice.

    but we would need a e-reader to be able to use it?

    or are you saying that with the sav we could get a rom of the e-reader, put it on a gba flash cart with the save, and link it to gba pokmeon and access the ticket?

    Hmm, I'm not too sure about a GBA flashcart. It may work but I'm unable to test it because I don't own one. The way I do it is by restoring the save file back into the e-Reader itself because I bought one a few years back.

    I've been debating in my head whether I should classify the Lati@s obtained from this method as legit or not. I suppose the method still doesn't it make it legit but it's closer to legit than any other of the current methods to get to Southern Island without the e-Card.

  13. As long as you have a slot-1 flashcart and an e-Reader, you should be able to have access to all e-cards that were ever released. All the e-Reader was was a chunky GBA cartridge. It has a save file just like a normal GBA cartridge. In a DS Lite (not original or DSi), have the slot-1 flashcart in and the e-Reader is slot-2 and start a homebrew called GBA Backup Tool 0.2 by Rudolph. It will let you restore e-Reader save files containing the stored data that the e-Reader can keep.

    I have access to the Eon Ticket without the actual e-card because of this. If anyone wants the save file or can't find it on the internet, feel free to ask me.

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