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Posts posted by Oxnite

  1. Looking nice so far!

    I guess this is why you haven't done anything with Black & White Deluxe. (I'm not complaining!)

    I'll be sure to play around with your tools.

    Hehe, well I'm still working on it! I might release a new version today.. Not sure.

    I will help you some attack editor, and PRC source code was available you can used some data is can help you out. I little not research attack data so i don't know another extra data....

    for HP is really 50 % ?

    But i think on effect code, you can added a label is indicate about number code, because if just effect description is will confused about number id.

    if you hidden some ??? label/dropbox you can disable maximize for these class not ready (for public~)

    Yes, I always thought that moves like Milk Drink, Softboiled etc. restored 50% of the user's HP?

    About the number code.. You mean like:

    01 - Effect description

    02 - Effect description

    103 - Effect description...


    Like that? Because I'll implement it if that's indeed easier to work with.

    About the dropboxes, yes I should have disabled them, but lol if you mess up your rom with it, it's rather your own fault, I made them ''invisible'' for a reason hehe. But yeah you're right I should disable them as well.

    I'm planning to release a newer version soon, it should have:

    - An expanded list of effect names

    - Editable 'HP restoration'

    - Editable 'Recoil'

    - Editable mechanics

  2. Ow great xD, i suggest disable all control if no any narc is loaded, thank you :) , wow xD

    Edit: 1. if i change another move is must save if i want change another move?

    About your question: yes, you should use Save NARC everytime you edit a move.

    On that note, I'm currently uploading a newer version with slight changes -- it has disabled boxes before the right NARC has been opened. It also has an updated Effects list and more. =)

    EDIT: Version 1.0.1 uploaded.

    Thanks for your feedback and support! Please tell me about any bugs!

  3. Welcome to my first ever page with tools!

    This page will be updated soon with a nice layout.

    [HGSSSPRITE]278[/HGSSSPRITE] OxATTACK Pokémon Black & White Attack Editor | Version 1.6

    Abbreviated as OxAT, OxATTACK is a tool that lets you edit attacks (moves) in Pokémon Black and White.

    In the newest version 1.6, move mechanics are editable and some more effect descriptions have been added.

    For now, the tool can edit the following aspects:

    • Type
    • Category
    • Power
    • PP
    • Accuracy
    • Secondary effect
    • Stat manipulation
    • Basic effect
    • Critical Hit ratio
    • Opponent(s)
    • Priority
    • Frequency
    • Move mechanics

    Click here to download OxATTACK Version 1.6.

    Big thanks and credits to TwistedFatal, who helped me a lot with the tool creation!

    I hope you like the tool(s). If you find any bugs, please report them here.

    None of my tools are known to be 100% stable, so please remember to make back-ups.

  4. This game is strangely addicting... For a while there I just couldn't stop playing. The only thing I wish was that you had let the First Gym Leaders keep their monkeys, it feels like they're trademark. But that's just how I feel, and it's not like it ruins the whole hack. Can't wait till this is done. I think I'm also gonna check out Pokemon Platinum Deluxe.

    Ha ha, thank you so much for the compliments.

    I personally don't really like the monkeys, and more than that, I like it more this way because the Gym is the first one and thus ''Starter Pokémon'' themed.

    Oh, and about Pokémon Platinum Deluxe.. I was working on it, but too many bugs showed up, that's why I stopped the progress. I guess I'll never finish it, so if you don't want to play an unfinished game.. Just wait for the new Pokémon White Deluxe beta to release. =)

    I'm currently beta-testing and when I finished beta testing till Clay, I'll upload beta 0.5. I hope you're just as excited as I am! Stay tuned!

  5. About the experience bug.. Well, the White Deluxe patch has the experience patch included, so experiencing (?) should simply work. It's weird that it doesn't.

    You should try patching a clean, untrimmed rom again.. And ONLY patch with the White Deluxe patch, nothing else.

    This can be solved with Wood R4. And to be honest, this is quite a common problem and I would like to stay on the good sides of people higher than me rather than submit info that may get me in trouble. All I can say is search on GBAtemp for your answer, there's bound to be hundreds of posts...Also, look for the Rudolph Child's Play patch... If you still can't find out, PM me rather than posting here. Thanks...

    On topic, I suppose I wasn't really paying attention to encounter rates, I suppose. I should really do more research. (-_-) But really, you say you can get Gen 3 starters? How so? I'd like to know how to get one, I'd like either Blaziken or Grovyle. And once again, I will look over the main page. I like your game so far and I will continue to play until the next patch. Good luck!

    You can get the third generation starters at the Dreamyard. It depends on which starter Pokémon you chose.

  6. EDIT2: On second thought, maybe I don't. I just tested it but it didn't work. I tried to turn either the Greatball on Route 2 or the Great Ball in Striaton City (on the ground) and neither of them worked. Is there any way to tell exactly which Great Ball I'm editing?

    You can't tell -- however, all items in for example Striaton City have their hex codes close to each other, so just check if the hex data around the Great Ball matches the other items that can be found in Striaton.

  7. I tried to patch my Spanish game or uk, but this message appears "Failed! Input checksum is invalid" -___- i'm sad because i want to play this awesome White deluxe... Can someone help me please? I need to find a "you-know-what" that works ^^U so any little clue is welcome...


    Sorry for my english, i try my best xD

    You should use an UNPATCHED, UNTRIMMED European Pokémon White Rom.

  8. Well, I don't have much to say, because I play Pokémon for fun and don't really care about playing competitively. I also don't really know what are good levels for Gyms and whatnot. I leave that up for others to do. :P

    Thank you for the feedback!

    What is your current team? And did you really manage to defeat Burgh in one try? I'm currently battling him and he's freakin' difficult.. However I don't have Combusken / Pignite or another Fire-type, that might be the reason..

    Feedback Update:

    Hmm...You know what would make my day? First or Second Gen starters. You don't have to go back and change it, just saying. But really, I like Quilava, so yeah. :P Anyways, good luck. Oh, and I think I know what's missing. I sort of expected more Gen 1 and 2 pokemon in the grass, but instead I find Gen 4 more common. (?) I say the difficulty is great, and I was a bit shocked to see the First Gym having a Triple battle with the starters...It made me jealous. (Why can't I have those?) So yeah. I will continue to keep an eye out for interesting and/or unusual things and report back periodically.

    Well, since Heart Gold / Soul Silver were released before BW, I think the Second Generation starters have lost interest among people because most of them just had an adventure with them..

    However, the 3th generation starters couldn't be used since RSE, and since that's a loooong time ago, I guess giving them as a bonus would be fun. I can change the REAL starters however, but I don't think I will..

    About the wild Pokémon, I actually made them all about equally common. Bidoof has the same encounter rate as Zigzagoon on Route 1, and Pidgey, Rattata, Starly and Sentret share the same encounter rate, too. However, the second generation didn't have a real ''bird Pokémon'' (except for Hoothoot, but I added Hoothoot to Pinwheel Forest because it's an owl), so that's why you might think ''Generation II'' is less common (which thus is technically true).

  9. Take your time with the new beta, I have other hacks I can play. :)

    I just fought Elesa and I'll just either play other hacks, or try to catch the Pokémon I don't have yet.

    I like the appearances of characters from different regions, and, well, I can't think of anything negative. :P

    That's great, lol!

    How about the difficulty? Did you defeat every Gym the first time you battled them?

    Did you ever train your Pokémon in the wild to level them up?

    Thank you!

  10. Actually, favourite with the 'u' is the British English way (I call it the Canadian way) and favorite without the 'u' is the American English way (American version).

    So both are right, it's just that since Nintendo/Game Freak is an American company, they would use 'favorite'. It doesn't really matter though. It's up to you, and especially since you already changed it.

    Right now, I'm at Nimbasa City, so I'm almost at the end of this beta.

    Alright! I'll try and release the newer beta today.. But I guess it will be tomorrow.

    What do you think of the game? Is it still enjoyable now you're as far as Nimbasa?

    I am continuing to play, and I find it rather interesting so far... Although, I almost feel as if some trivial thing is missing.

    Really? You think something's missing? Please tell me what!

    About the cheats, I don't really know, never edited something like that.

  11. Back to report one bug. Well, not really a bug. You just forgot to add the / for the line break.

    "Woops! Looks like you've stepped onxfffeth

    Can I smell your Pokémon?" <- When I was looking at the mistake, clicked 'A', and saw "Can I smell your Pokémon?". I lol'd.

    ~Aroma Lady Turquoise (Burgh's Gym)

    I also laughed at Burgh's in-battle sprite. Only because I thought his stance looked funny. :)

    Not sure if you did this, but I noticed Burgh say "It's my favourite move[...]" when he gives you the TM. Because if you didn't do that, and since Nintendo/Game Freak is a American company...

    I'm at Route 4 at the moment.

    Can't wait for a new patch/beta! Then I don't have to slow down before it ends. :D

    Thank you so much for your detailed feedback!

    I'm not English, so I'm glad you point out any spelling errors. =]

    I'll definitely edit those errors right away.

    EDIT: Fixed the errors, so they will be fixed in the next beta. Thanks again, Rinax!

    Nice to hear you're excited!! New beta will be released very soon!

  12. I'm working on the game, however I'm progressing slowly.

    I will upload the newest beta version 0.5 very soon!

    Hello, Oxnite. I am quite interested with this hack and I would be happy to test it out. I downloaded the Beta just now and I will give my feedback shortly. Oh, and if you need help with anything, let me know...I can program a bit too.

    Feedback: Beginning Game...

    Alright that's great! Please give me more feedback as you proceed. =]

  13. If you can get every pokemon does that mean you can find legendaries like palkia in the grass

    No, you can't find Legendary Pokémon in the grass. Actually, you can't even find Pokémon like Palkia, Dialga or Giratina at all, I guess.

    HOWEVER, several Legendary Pokémon have been added nonetheless, however not all Legendary Pokémon. So when the game is finished, I'll create a list with Pokémon that can not be caught.

  14. Hey, I found some things I noticed, but I wasn't sure if I should PM you instead.

    *You get a free Hoenn Starter instead of one of the monkey trio.

    *Less than three Pokemon in triple battle locks up.

    *For when you battle Chili, Cilan and Cress, the mugshot shows the order they're standing, but when in-battle, Chili and Cress are switched as well as their respective Pokemon.

    *I noticed the different trainer classes.

    *I also noticed that Brock "replaced" Lenora which was kinda hinted when you got TM Retaliate from the girl when you usually get it from Lenora. (Sorry, if this spoils anything.)

    *Before you battle Brock he says, "I am the temporary director of [...] Lenora is currently doing some fossil (cuts off)" I think it was supposed to say "...fossil research" or some other.

    If there were any graphical glitches I didn't see any because the top screen on my DS Lite is not working right. As in, the screen has a red tint, and can't see the colours correctly.

    Although it would be nice to have a location guide, but sometimes I think it's better without it. More of a challenge having to find all the Pokemon yourself.

    I'm having a lot of fun trying to find all the Pokemon in each route/cave/city/town. I'm about to go through Pinwheel Forest and catch Team Plasma.

    Alright. =]

    Yes, these definitely are some spoilers, lol, but I guess players find out about it eventually, so..

    About the text edit with Brock, I'll have to check it, I'm not that far with beta testing yet so I'll change it, thanks for telling me.

    However about Chili Cilan and Cress, their mugshot sprite is actually always the same, where their in-game sprite is different all the time with the correct order.

    So I might edit their mugshots individually, if I find the time to do so.

    Glad you like the game! Thanks a lot for playing and giving such a detailed review. I'm excited to hear more from you.

  15. Well, if you mean the stationary Pokémon like Victini and such, they can be edited in a/0/5/7.

    However, I guess you mean the events ''scripts'' to change things like flags, etc.?

    You could also mean the Zorua / Zoroark event, which can not be changed in a/0/5/7 as far as I know.

  16. Nice to have a Beta out. (Getting a little bored during the Summer.)

    Anyways, I was just patching it, and didn't seem to work for the North American rom. So I tried my apparent European rom and it worked. If it's supposed to be like that, maybe you should note that on the first post. If it's just a problem for me, ignore everything I've said.

    I'll be sure to post any bugs or suggestions if I find/think of any.

    Amazing, thank you!

    Yep, I guess it needs an European Rom after all, thanks for telling me. I'll add it to the first post (and readme).

    Tell me what you think of the game, too!

    EDIT; Alright, I'm testing the game again, too, and I have already

    changed some very small things. These will be in a newer beta version

    that I'm about to release in three days. It will have small changes so the game

    will be better overall. It will also have Route 6 + Driftveil City edited

    (so you can defeat Clay in that version).

  17. Alright then! Here it is! The first incarnation of Pokémon White Deluxe!

    I kind of.. forgot how to create a nice patch using xdelta, though, even though I

    have used it a million times when I was working on Pokémon Platinum Deluxe, lol.

    However, I found another patching method which I personally find very nice, too.

    So, here it is! If you are going to play it, please tell me in this topic!



    When you battle the first Gym, it will be a Triple Battle. You can either:

    • Battle it with three Pokémon, like you should! No problems / errors / bugs with this!
    • Battle it with only one or two Pokémon. This is possible. You can battle the Gym Leaders
      with only one or two Pokémon. The only thing is: DO NOT SWITCH / SHIFT around your Pokémon,
      because the game will crash if you have less than three Pokémon and you try to shift.

    What's in this beta?

    • It can be played until Nimbasa Gym (you can defeat Elesa).
      However, when you've beaten her, STOP immediately and wait for a new version
      to come out. Probably, there will be a new version when you've reached Nimbasa.
    • All Wild Pokémon have been edited until ~Nimbasa City.
    • Some amazing new characters make an appearance! You'll also find out that there
      are new Trainer sprites and Trainer classes in the game.
    • It also had edited evolution methods, improved difficulty and, as shown in the
      screenshots, edited Gyms (the first Gym will be a Triple Battle).

    @ O8/16/'11 5:42 pm EDT

    You have some very nice graphical enhancements to your presentation in the first post! Very neat arrangement of the screenshots!

    Thank you very much for your kind reply! I appreciate it.

  18. Open the narc in a\0\2\5 with Crystal Tile 2

    Hope it helped :)

    Thank you for your reply, I will try it soon and tell you if it worked. =)

    Edit: it worked, thank you! I managed to edit the item sprites.

    For others:

    Just open the narc in CrystalTile 2 and search for the right files.

    If you read this tutorial (that has to do with NDS Image Editing), you'll probably succeed: http://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=244408

  19. This hack is amazing so far. It seems that you are a truly great hacker.

    I really like how you edited ''Littleroot Town'' so far.

    However.. I've read somewhere that you don't know how to hack other maps yet? Is that true?

    And I really wish you best of luck with this, but I just think it will take at least a year to complete this, with the map hacking and such.

    I really really like this though.

    (The intro music is great, but I guess the ''intro movie'' will always stay the same, right? That's too bad, yet understandable).

  20. Oh no.. Looks like I've promised too much again. I always want to release

    things quickly, however it turns out there are always small things I want to

    change before I do so..

    I will definitely upload it tomorrow, though, that's a promise I won't break.

    If I manage to find a correct patching program, though..

    Well, here are the things I still have to do before I release a beta version.

    • Beta test Route 5, Route 16 (Wild Pokémon and Trainers)
    • Beta test the 4th Gym
    • Edit Route 6.. Seems that you will need it before you battle Clay
    • Edit Clay's Roster and Gym's Pokémon

    Well, that's it. Won't take too long, but I'm now busy with another nice

    add-on that won't be in the beta version. I'm sure you'll love it!

    @ O8/13/'11 4:31 pm EDT

    EDIT; I just finished another small thing. It has to do with special

    evolution. ''Several Pokémon will feel power to evolve when they

    are exposed to energetic areas.''

    @ O8/13/'11 4:52 pm EDT

    EDIT; I just decided that the beta version will NOT include Clay

    nor Driftveil City, so it's everything until Nimbasa City and the

    4th Pokémon Gym. Hope you understand.

    However, while you're playing, a new version will show up real

    soon, which is probably the final version.

    So please don't proceed after you have defeated the 4th Gym Leader.

    @ O8/13/'11 5:03 pm EDT

    I think mew is the best one for me.

    Alright, thank you. I have this feeling it might be included in the game. =)

  21. Yes, I know, but PPTXT doesn't change the trainers name. I think. If there was a guide for what which Narc entry is for (e.g. a/0/0/2's 1 is for the menu etc), so I don't know exactly all that PPTXT can do besides editing dialogues and menu phrases.

    Yes, PPTXT is able to change the Trainer's name. It's narc entry a/0/0/2, file 190. However, a list with encrypted text will show up. Please take a look at this topic, question 6 for information on decryption.

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