Pokemon Bloody Red is just some generic difficulty hack of Fire Red but a ridiculously high one. Inspired by kaizo games by SHF, Bloody Platinum by Buffy and Touhoumon Insane by Drakuaza
The mysterious and terrifying alien life forms have invaded region. Mimicking all of the legendary pokemon as their refered weaponry and creating them into a horrific evil clones known as the "Bloody Legendaries". They have fully controlled the elite four and to hunt down to those who roam in the wild alone. All of the pokemon including the legendaries will join forces from the hero to battle agaisnt the otherworldly evil and retreive kanto region back to it's own.
=====[Rival level curves]=====
Route 22 = 20-24
Cerulean City = 40-42
SS Anne = 58-60
Pokemon Tower = 78-80
Silph Co. = 98-100
Route 22 part 2 = 100
Final Battle = 100
=====[Bloody Legendaries]=====
The main antagonists of this hack.
- Costumized stats, moves, types and abilities
- Max EVs
- All legendaries except the starters
- cannot be caught
- completely gen 3 experience
- cannot get out of gyms until you defeat the boss
- trainer battles with ubers
- trainers with EVs
- boss battles with 6 team and full restores
- revives aren't allowed
- lvl 100 elite four
- flash mazes
- unchanged movepools except for the starters
- pokeballs and safariballs only
- run away ability is replaced with illuminate
- no crying allowed
=====[Changed Evolutions]=====
feebas ====> 40 milotic
kadabra ====> 33 alakazam
machoke ====> 42 machamp
graveler ====> 45 golem
seadra ====> 51 kingdra
haunter ====> 45 gengar
onix ====> 34 steelix
scyther ====> 36 scizor
porygon ====> 40 porygon2
poliwhirl ====> 52 poliwrath
golbat ====> 40 crobat
slowpoke ====> slowking w/ sun stone
poliwhirl ====> politoed w/ water stone
clamperl ====> huntail w/ moon stone
clamperl ====> gorebyss w/ sun stone
eevee ====> umbreon w/ moon stone
eevee ====> espeon w/ sun stone
=====[Changed Abilities]=====
Venusaur = chlorophyll
Blastoise = rain dish
Raichu = lightning rod
Ninetales = drought
Vileplume = effect spore
Parasect = damp
Rapidash line = flame body
Tyrouge = vital spirit
Kingdra = damp
Electabuzz = vital spirit
Magmar = vital spirit
Flareon = guts
Umbreon = inner focus
Zapdos = static
Moltres = flame body
Dragonite line = marvel scale
Typhlosion line = flash fire
Ampharos line = plus
Beast Trio = inner focus
Blaziken line = speed boost
Swampert line = damp
Dustox = compound eyes
Masquerain = rain dish
Plusle = lightning rod
Minun = volt absorb
Sharpedo line = speed boost
Cacturne line = water absorb
Altaria line = cloud nine
Armaldo line = swift swim
Huntail = water veil
Regirock = sturdy
Tyranitar = intimidate
=====[Move Changes]=====
Leaf Blade: power 70 to 90
Mud shot: power 55 to 60
Steel Wing: accuracy 90 to 95
Air Cutter: power 55 to 60
Aeroblast: accuracy 95 to 100, PP 5 to 10
Rock Slide: power 75 to 80, accuracy 90 to 100
Knock Off: power 20 to 65
Cross Chop: accuracy 80 to 95, PP 5 to 10
Razor Leaf: power 55 to 60, accuracy 95 to 100
Changed player sprites
Me = all
Pokecommunity = help
SHF, Buffy, Drakuaza = Inspirations
Pokemon - Bloody Red (Difficulty Hack)
in ROM - GBA ROM Hacks
Posted · Edited by DarkSanae
beta 1 release
Pokemon Bloody Red is just some generic difficulty hack of Fire Red but a ridiculously high one. Inspired by kaizo games by SHF, Bloody Platinum by Buffy and Touhoumon Insane by Drakuaza
The mysterious and terrifying alien life forms have invaded region. Mimicking all of the legendary pokemon as their refered weaponry and creating them into a horrific evil clones known as the "Bloody Legendaries". They have fully controlled the elite four and to hunt down to those who roam in the wild alone. All of the pokemon including the legendaries will join forces from the hero to battle agaisnt the otherworldly evil and retreive kanto region back to it's own.
=====[Rival Starter]=====
Kecleon => Rayquaza => Bloody Rayquaza
=====[Gym level curves]=====
Brock = 18-20
Misty = 38-40
Lt. Surge = 58-60
Erika = 78-80
Koga = 98-100
Sabrina = 98-100
Koichi = 98-100
Blaine = 100
Giovanni = 100
=====[Rival level curves]=====
Route 22 = 20-24
Cerulean City = 40-42
SS Anne = 58-60
Pokemon Tower = 78-80
Silph Co. = 98-100
Route 22 part 2 = 100
Final Battle = 100
=====[Bloody Legendaries]=====
The main antagonists of this hack.
- Costumized stats, moves, types and abilities
- Max EVs
- All legendaries except the starters
- cannot be caught
- completely gen 3 experience
- cannot get out of gyms until you defeat the boss
- trainer battles with ubers
- trainers with EVs
- boss battles with 6 team and full restores
- revives aren't allowed
- lvl 100 elite four
- flash mazes
- unchanged movepools except for the starters
- pokeballs and safariballs only
- run away ability is replaced with illuminate
- no crying allowed
=====[Changed Evolutions]=====
feebas ====> 40 milotic
kadabra ====> 33 alakazam
machoke ====> 42 machamp
graveler ====> 45 golem
seadra ====> 51 kingdra
haunter ====> 45 gengar
onix ====> 34 steelix
scyther ====> 36 scizor
porygon ====> 40 porygon2
poliwhirl ====> 52 poliwrath
golbat ====> 40 crobat
slowpoke ====> slowking w/ sun stone
poliwhirl ====> politoed w/ water stone
clamperl ====> huntail w/ moon stone
clamperl ====> gorebyss w/ sun stone
eevee ====> umbreon w/ moon stone
eevee ====> espeon w/ sun stone
=====[Changed Abilities]=====
Venusaur = chlorophyll
Blastoise = rain dish
Raichu = lightning rod
Ninetales = drought
Vileplume = effect spore
Parasect = damp
Rapidash line = flame body
Tyrouge = vital spirit
Kingdra = damp
Electabuzz = vital spirit
Magmar = vital spirit
Flareon = guts
Umbreon = inner focus
Zapdos = static
Moltres = flame body
Dragonite line = marvel scale
Typhlosion line = flash fire
Ampharos line = plus
Beast Trio = inner focus
Blaziken line = speed boost
Swampert line = damp
Dustox = compound eyes
Masquerain = rain dish
Plusle = lightning rod
Minun = volt absorb
Sharpedo line = speed boost
Cacturne line = water absorb
Altaria line = cloud nine
Armaldo line = swift swim
Huntail = water veil
Regirock = sturdy
Tyranitar = intimidate
=====[Changed Legendary Abilities]=====
Articuno = compound eyes
Mewtwo / Deoxys = synchronize
Lugia = intimidate
Ho-oh = drought
=====[Gift Pokemon]=====
Hitmonlee = Tyrogue
Hitmonchan = Hitmontop
Lapras = Beldum
=====[Move Changes]=====
Leaf Blade: power 70 to 90
Mud shot: power 55 to 60
Steel Wing: accuracy 90 to 95
Air Cutter: power 55 to 60
Aeroblast: accuracy 95 to 100, PP 5 to 10
Rock Slide: power 75 to 80, accuracy 90 to 100
Knock Off: power 20 to 65
Cross Chop: accuracy 80 to 95, PP 5 to 10
Razor Leaf: power 55 to 60, accuracy 95 to 100
Changed player sprites
Me = all
Pokecommunity = help
SHF, Buffy, Drakuaza = Inspirations
=====[Base Rom]=====
Pokemon Fire Red v.1.0
=====[Download Link]=====
=====[Bloody Legendary Sprite Gallery]=====