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Posts posted by Azelf

  1. Hm.. well the phone was just the start of Pokenav, Poketch etc. That's all. I doubt the phone will include the microphone, hey the phone might not even be there. There might be an updated Poketch this time. (Something has gotta fill the bottom screen).

    But yeah, all the phone was there for was to re-match people. This has been replaced with VS. Seeker, which I expect we'll see in the G/S remakes.

  2. Azelf, if you want to contribute any of your untouched or touched pokemon in pkm file format to my collection project, let me know.

    Once I complete the game I'll PM you, (I will be able to tell you which ones are un-touched) I'll add you as a friend for now if you'd like so I remember ;)

  3. Ah, the first time I played Pokémon Red Version I started with Squirtle. I remember nicknaming is "Squirt", how original :P But I was like 6 years old. Yeah, I like using Charmander as my starter for the fact that it can learn Fly once evolved into Charizard. Means I don't need a Pidgey/Spearow or whatever :P

  4. Yeah same, unfortunately it's hard to keep them un-touched, as you need decent Pokémon in your team etc.

    I keep mine about as un-touched as I can, however I like to use Shadow Pokémon in my team. My Shadow Lugia will definitely remain un-touched though :P Same as the Legendary birds too probably.

  5. I'd like to hear other people's opinions on this. I've had a few debates about it in real life and on IRC, so I thought I'd take it to some sort of forums. So yeah, what are your thoughts?

    Personally, at first I was a bit freaked out and thought "osnap" but now I think it's just getting stupid. The media blow it out of proportion, yet again, however councils and governments tell people to "not be alarmed". Now I have just grown bored of it in a way, it's not much different to any other flu ro virus, apart from the fact it is "new".

    So what's your opinion? Should we make such a big deal out of it? Is it worth closing schools etc. over?

  6. id also like to see more happen with the unowns, i think they could make huge dungeons with unown symbols guiding the way.

    I think Unowns would be great to see in the story line or something. They need to be useful for SOMETHING nowadays.. I mean all you can use them for is collectables and to make a keyboard on ranch!

    Anyway, I'm hoping they make the Johto region harder to beat, and if Kanto's still there, to make it even more difficult than it previously was. I'd like to raise the point: Will there be a Pal Park in GSC remakes? Obviously it will be utilising the 4th gen graphics and, well you know will be "4th gen" so to speak. But Pal Park is in the Sinnoh region, so who knows if you'll be able to migrate directly to GSC remake or not?

  7. In my opinion, Pokémon Yellow was one of a kind. However, it kind of slipped out of the mainstream games. It followed the Animé way too much, which we all know... Games =/= Animé.

    However, despite this, Pokémon Yellow was a treat to play, I wouldn't mind seeing a remake, even though it is very highly unlikely. Unfortunately my Yellow cart is completely dead now :/. It was nice obtaining Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur in game.

    Overall I'd say it was quite top-notch :)

  8. I chose Charmander as it is my favourite out of the three, however I chose a different starter nearly every time I reset LG, just for the fun of it :)

    But yeah, Charmander is definitely my absolute favourite. (And it's like chosing hard mode for the game :P)

  9. I highly doubt it'll be DSi exclusive. It would be a very poor marketing idea.

    Indeed, especially with the economic crisis at the moment.

    Anyway, back to topic :P. I'm really hoping this is a GSC remake, however we can't forget that there hasn't been a Shadow Pokemon game (Or similar) in a while...

    As well as that, it could be like a PBR update where you can use Shaymin/Giratina/Rotom formes. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much for GSC, but hey I can't help it :P However the recent evidence such as new Totodile, Cyndaquil and Chikorita figures to be released in September and the "Gold and silver" balls that were shown hanging from a ceiling in a show. I'll try get that pic if I can, it's in my internet history SOMEWHERE, if anyone wants it.

  10. I voted Emerald. For a start, I can't stand the Ruby/Sapphire font. As well as that, there are general improvements and a better story-line. I always love the "3rd game to the series". Emerald was by far one of the best. I'd reccomend it to anyone who likes Pokémon.

  11. Sorry if this is the wrong place to put this, but I was looking around for a place where we might be able to discuss the chat etc. like if we have problems connecting. The reason I came up with this idea is because, while attempting to connect to the network I got this error message:

    (1:29:46 pm) * Connecting to irc.defianceuo.com (6667)

    (1:29:47 pm) * Unable to connect to server (Connection refused)

    So yeah, if anyone can help it'd be greatly appriciated :) Thanks.

  12. Haha, I was thinking of getting rid of my Gamecube, however some games don't play on the wii well it seems, maybe my wii need repairing. But yeah, they work fine on my gamecube so I keep it.

    However I need to re-buy colo, sold it AGES ago. I think maybe to get Gale Of Darkness.

    :) Well I need to keep going and catch more shadow pokemon and purify them all now *sigh*

  13. Heh, brought back good memories :) However it didn't give the same "Retro" feel the older ones did, obviously :P But yeah, I enjoyed it. Some great additions too. Definitely was worth buying. It's probably one of my favourite games yet actually. The fact that most red carts are dead now kinda gives a decent reason to buy it ;)

  14. So I decided to start playing Pokémon XD: Gale Of Darkness again. I'm actually quite enjoying it. I have about 25 Shadow Pokémon and have yet to fail capturing one :).

    I get bored sometimes so I decide to do little projects, and well catching all the XD shadow pokemon is my current project. I may have to try it on colo after :)

    Wish me luck ;)

    Update: Now have 30/30 Shadow Pokémon so far!!

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