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Posts posted by kuoleva

  1. God wouldn't make people sodomites, Floot. It was their own upbringing.

    Given the fact there are a number of ex-homosexuals... you would think something about that is strange, don't you think?

    I've met these so-called "ex-gays". You can tell most, probably all, are lying about it so mommy will love them. It's all just repressed. The fact they get married means nothing. It's acting. Like... Well, porn. Most of the women look like they enjoy it. They don't. My friend told me a story about a friend of her cousins that did porn, I won't go into detail, but the acting she did is on the same level as "ex-gays".

    You'd be surprised how good at lying they are. You can't change it. It's like my friend and gay camp. You know what he did? He went and shot himself because of that mentality, that he could be "changed". Ask ANY psychologist, one with an actual degree and years of research under his or her belt. All of them will say it cannot be changed. Repressed? Yes, but that's a horrible thing to do. It's even more "immoral" than sodomy. :/

  2. Why should individuals have to change who they are to please some other group of people? Because they said so?

    Remember a true democracy is set up so that it's ruled by the majority but the minority still has rights. Even if people are totally against homosexuals, that shouldn't change anything that they still have (Well, should) the same legal rights and benefits everyone else enjoys.

    Amen to that.

    I also agree that religious beliefs need to be taken out of the government. Really... If the country was run according to the Bible... What hell would we be in?

    Let's see... We'd still be stoning people. We'd still be sacrificing people/animals. It would be the death penalty if we wore clothes made of different materials. I could go on and on, but I won't. I'm not saying your beliefs are wrong, I'm just saying that religion and government should be two separate entities.

    I say, give them rights. If you don't like it? Suck it up and tough it out. It has nothing to do with you. Nothing at all. I wish people would quit PMSing over the lives of others. >_< If you believe how they live is a sin, fine. Trust me, everyone has heard the "going to hell, immoral, blah" speeches. They obviously don't care. They just want to live their lives.

    And don't even say that "they corrupt our kids into lives of immoral, wanton pleasure" or something like that. Let's adopt the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy, and get on with our lives. :/

    • Like 1
  3. Uhm, wraith, I think you're the one confusing love and lust.

    You cannot choose who you love. Not in the least. You can choose to ignore or respond to those feelings, but you cannot choose who you feel for.

    I fell in love with my best friend. Did I choose to love him? No. Did I even want to love him? No. That doesn't change the fact that I did, and still do. A friend of mine fell in love with a guy of a different race. I mean, head over heels in love. I live in the south. Down here, interracial relationships are spit upon. She despised herself for loving him, but no matter what she could do, she still loved him more than anything.

    Love IS an emotion. What else could it be? It's the strongest of positive emotions. I think you are the one that is misled.

    Love... Is beautiful. It leaves you broken, breathless, scared, and yet, wanting more. It's what we live for. If you ask anyone, what they really want, something immaterial and invaluable, they will say "love". Love is the thing that keeps us living, keeps us energetic, and keeps us on our toes. Why? Because it's unpredictable. We cannot anticipate who we love. We cannot change those feelings afterwords. That is the beauty of love! It's an emotion, yet, it can be something more, though all it ever really is, is an emotion. The varying degrees of those feelings are how we define love, and what it really is. At it's best, it is Nirvana. Something so wonderful, no words, be them written or spoken, can ever define or change it. At it's worst, it destroys us. But, the thing is, even if it hurts us, we desire that hurt. The pain, the destruction... It makes us feel complete. Even if it hurts, you never want to feel anything else.

    Love does sometimes lead to lust, as does lust lead to love, but they are two different emotions. Two different worlds. Lust is pleasure, physical pleasure. Love is... Unconditional. It requires nothing physical. It is Nirvana. Peace. Joy. Immeasurable. Incomprehensible. An emotional high.

    Our emotions define us. We cannot, under any circumstance, define our emotions.

    Homosexuality is not about lust, though, like heterosexuality, it can be. It is about love. Finding someone, no matter what gender, that lets us reach Nirvana. True happiness. Finding someone that makes life worth living for. As much as you'd like to deny it, it's true. Repressing love only leads to pain, the pain nobody wants to feel. The pain that I wish you could feel for five minutes. You'd explode.

    I'm for love. You're against it. That's how it will always be. Love versus religion. Trust, happiness, and peace, versus a legion of people following a man who taught love, and yet they refuse to practice it.

    /sigh... People these days. >_<

    EDIT: To clarify, I wasn't talking about any one person. Just the general populous against gay marriage... Like, Fred Phelps and that whole "God Hates Fags" deal. Goddess... If I ever got my hands around his neck... He'd be WISHING he were in hell.

    • Like 1
  4. I agree with you, Illithian, although I'm bringing up some of my own points.

    First off, I'm going to come out and say it. I'm bisexual. Now, I am more straight than I am lesbian, but if I see a beautiful woman crossing the street, I acknowledge that she is very attractive. Would I automatically want to sleep with her? No. It's NOT like that. It hardly ever is. We, as in homosexuals, are not the sexual, perverted deviants you seem to think we are. We do not sleep around as much as you think we do. In fact, we probably sleep around less than heterosexual couples. It's about love, not sex. You know, LOVE, the thing your teacher, Christ, taught. I love how, nowhere in the Bible, Christ mentions homosexuality as a sin. If it were so important, wouldn't he mention it?

    Also, what does it do to you if a man and man, or woman and woman get married? Yeah, nothing. They aren't forcing you to live like they do, rather, they'd LIKE it if you ignored them. I know a lesbian couple in my town. They are the nicest people I've ever known, and they are in more love than I've ever seen between two creatures. Their love has nothing to do with you, since they respect others, and do not show PDA. They keep it in private. What impact does it have on your psyche? Are you really so... Pathetic, that you let something like love scar you for life? I certainly hope not.

    Well, I guess since you can bring in religion, so can I. The Goddess has specifically stated that, "All acts of love and pleasure" are Her rituals. Where has She said this? In our hearts. Our minds. Our soul. I do not need a book to tell me what is right and wrong. Love is love. Regardless of gender, if it brings pleasure, why is it a sin? I know that, in my heart, the Goddess (and God, but my Goddess and I are closer, she's the mother I wish I had) sanctions all love. If both parties consent, and it brings them pleasure, there is nothing "sinful" about it, in fact, it is absolutely beautiful! The beauty of love, and sex, is that it does nothing but bring pleasure! STDs are the result of carelessness and stupidity, not sex in itself.

    To Her, it does not matter whether you have (I'm going to assume we're all mature enough here to handle sexual terminology) a penis or vagina, but rather, whether or not you have LOVE.

    Marriage? If your priests wish not to perform it for same-sex couples, that is their choice. But, if a priest (or priestess!) wishes to, why stop them? It was never a Christian concept. There was marriage long before the Catholic church.

    Floot, you sadden me. You really do. There is NO CURE. It isn't a disease. To think so is disgusting.

    I recommend the movie Religulous. I am not atheist, but that movie brought up so many good points, it's incredible.

    • Like 1
  5. l


    The battle's already won. God's victory has happened. That night when jesus was crucified the demons all threw a party! Satan wasn't at ease (I'm getting this from a song but its in the bible too) then when he rose again to forgive us of all of our sins he won. God won...we've won already its best to just go on the winning side. Why we're still here...quite frankly I have no idea. If I had all the answers then I'd be up in heaven calling the shots but I dont. There are somethings that even the Son of God doesn't know. Jesus doesn't know when the final day is coming only God knows. (They're the same people though..I dont get that part O.o) So...I cant exactly answer your question but there is a reason everything has a reason.

    See, even you don't get it. o_O;;; Oh well.

    "We aren't suggesting that dinosaurs and birds may not have had a common ancestor somewhere in the distant past," Quick said. "That's quite possible and is routinely found in evolution. It just seems pretty clear now that birds were evolving all along on their own and did not descend directly from the theropod dinosaurs, which lived many millions of years later."

    Lolwut? Methinks you just read the title. >_>;

    and kuo, that representation is quite unfair.

    Meaning you can't think of a rebuttal? I don't see how it's unfair. Just because you can't come up with an answer, doesn't make it unfair. <_<

    I hate that. If Christians make fun of Darwinists/Evolutionists, it's perfectly fine. But if Evolutionists make fun of Christians, it's discrimination.

  6. I DO know in my heart that Christianity is the right path; again, if I didn't, I would be a fool to follow it.

    If you're not positive that your belief is right, why on earth would you believe it? For some false sense of security that doesn't last beyond your earthly life? :confused:

    I think you missed my point. Quit acting all high and mighty. Believe what you want, but quit dismissing everything before you learn the facts, like you were obviously doing with Enkidu and Jiggy. The conversations looked like this, in a nutshell:

    Jiggy/Enkidu: Uhm, about evolution... The concept of the theory -cut off-

    You: LOL Bible omgwtf

    J/E: But, if you just look at this and try to understa-


    J/E: You aren't even try-


    J/E: Never mind >_<

    You: LOL I WIN :D

    Honestly, it really did look like that. Bring up another point instead of using the bible. It is a BOOK. Unproven books have no place in a logical discussion. If you had a valid point, such as carbon dating, then maybe. As of right now, all you have is a book, and it gets real old, real fast.

    1. Man brought evil upon himself when he first disobeyed God. God cannot be blamed for our actions.

    Why was god afraid for man to eat from the tree of knowledge? Did he want us to live in ignorance? That's... Quite douchebaggy. Don't even start with "ITS A TESSSST" That is tempting you, like putting wine in front of an alcoholic suffering from withdrawal: "Hey, look at this. It looks mighty good, but you can't have it. If you try to take it, I'll kick your ass". Really. That isn't very nice.

    2. God will always have control over the outcome of evil actions for the sake of his servants. What Satan intends for evil, God uses for good (in the case of Job, God rewarded Job for his faithfulness and made his later life more blessed and fruitful than his past).

    That doesn't excuse putting them through pain at all.

    We're his SERVANTS? Wow, that makes me feel like I'm worth something.

    3. If they defy him, who are you to deny God judgment? True, he's loving, but he's also just, and he cannot (not will not, cannot) allow evil to go unpunished. By all rights, all of mankind should burn in Hell; if it weren't for God's mercy, we would be. So don't you dare accuse God of being unmerciful.

    This great quote describes my feelings. I'm not atheist, but it describes this well.

    "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.

    Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.

    Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?

    Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"

    - Epicurus

    Why. Let. Evil. Happen. At. All? If he's going to get rid of it at judgment day, why would he let it happen at all?

    Don't start with the testing crap. Again, that's pretty mean. Do we just exist to give him an ego boost? To make him feel loved by something, and if we don't show that love (because he hasn't given us any proof) we burn for eternity? Why didn't he just zap satan? If he couldn't because of free will, he is not omnipotent. If he didn't want to, he is malevolent.

    I've been told there will be no sin in heaven. That means there will be no free will. There cannot be free will without the option to do bad. I'd rather burn in a lake of fire for being free than live in Neverland for being a slave.

    We've listened to your arguments. Go read up on what evolution ACTUALLY is, and reread the info Jiggy and Enkidu gave you. If you still don't believe it? Fine. But from the looks of it, you just saw the word "evolution", and entirely dismissed it. How can you not expect us to do the same to you?

  7. So... as long as you feel good about something, it doesn't matter if it's a complete lie? If I believed Christianity were a lie or untrue in any way, I for one would not still believe in it. And as Christians, by definition, our lives are no longer ours, but God's.

    As long as you believe it and feel good about it, it's fine.

    You do NOT know that Christianity is the right path. You may believe it is, but that does not, by any means, make it completely true. I guess I can never install that into you, but belief and truth are two different things.

    I do believe my faith. I honestly and truly do. That does not mean it's the right one. Islam may be the "right" religion. Hindu might be. Asatru might be. Christianity might be. We don't know, and should quit pretending we do.

    Satan does not rule this earth with sovereignty, as evidenced in Job when he is shown to need God's permission to afflict Job with misfortune. God is the one that still ultimately rules the heavens AND earth.

    Your logic still baffles me. Why would god give him permission to hurt people? To test their faith? IMO, that's an asshole-ish thing to do, right there. There is NO reason to do that. If they choose to defy him, fine, but why give an evil being permission to hurt them? It just makes no sense.

  8. That is what you believe. Again, not my belief system.

    I prefer to believe in a God and Goddess that do not let the world be ruled by a "creature of pure evil". I prefer to believe in a world where we choose our own destinies, our own paths in life, no strings attached. I prefer to believe in a world where the battled between "good" and "evil" is not made up of a God and devil playing a betting game, but rather inside ourselves, trying to find out who, or what we really are.

    Keep true to your beliefs. If they make you feel good about life and keep you going, it's always worth it. I don't agree with it, but it doesn't matter what I think in the long run. This is YOUR life, YOUR call. Do what you feel is right, but try not to hurt others in the process.

  9. Because the scripture is, indeed, mistranslated. You won't believe it, so I won't try.

    I'm attracted to it because I believe it, nothing more, nothing less. My Goddess has helped me through thick and thin, just like your Christ has. It's my belief system.

    Yes, I know, EVIL. Witches are NOT evil. Not in the least. That logic makes no sense to me.

    The article, again, their belief system. I do not believe Christ was the son of god. Therefore, I am not a Christian. I never will be. That person believes in Christianity because they decided the path of the Lord and Lady wasn't right for them. I firmly believe any path that makes you do good in life is a good path.

    Earth is not ruled by satan. Yes, people can be evil. Again, my belief that everyone, and everything have two sides, "good" and "evil". Satan is simply a scapegoat for people to blame their misdeeds on. If people choose to believe a little red man made them do something, fine with me. That doesn't change the fact that THEY are the ones who made that decision.

    It's fine, really. You just need to be a little more educated before you post. :3

    EDIT: Turtlekid, the scripture has no REASON to be valid. It is, again, a book. If you believe it, fine. That does not make you right, or your religion the only answer.

  10. Pikachu is adorable in the Rescue Adventure short before Pokemon 2000.

    Especially when he meets Elekid and does that little "Pikaaa" thing, I can't describe it. >_>

    It's so cute, it makes me want to throw up. o_O;;;

  11. Lol, I really am fourteen. If you heard me talk over the phone, I sound like I'm 10. :/

    I'd get on webcam, but you don't want to see my fugly couch. o_O; Or my weird face. >_>

    And I think wraith looks 19. :o

    I wish I were 16, I'd love to be able to drive... To NY for the Nintendo Store! :D

  12. LOL. PF, I've come to the conclusion you are beyond narrow minded.

    My views on Christianity? It's just another religion. It has some truths, and some evils.


    Your ancestors are alive thanks to Witches. They were healers, the medicine men and women of the ancient past. They delivered babies, healed the sick, much like today's nurses. I come from a long line of Celtic Priests and Priestess, the Hobbs. I want to embrace my past, since they obviously got along with less hate and crime than today. You can't really deny it. :/

    Satanic? No. If you disrespect my religion, fine, here it is back.

    Your god is stupid. He's an asshole, a bully. Your pastors are all child molesters. Your religion is sick, twisted, that book is a piece of crap that needs to be destroyed.

    See? See how you feel when I say that? It's sickening.

    No, I really don't think that.

    For good measure, I DO NOT THINK THAT. I'm just showing you how I feel.

    Please, just get out of this. If you can't argue with respect, you shouldn't be here at all.

    Oh, and LOL EARTH IS SATANIC? Dear Goddess, you must be an idiot if you really think loving nature is satanic. It's beautiful. Nature is harmony, balance between humans and divinity, or the divine consciousness that unites us all. Wow, I really do want to kick you now, and I'm usually not violent. >_<

    PF, please, leave, or at least ignore me. I'm not going to sit here and let you blatantly disrespect me because some mistranslated book told you too.

    Oh, and Christ wasn't a teacher? He did teach valuable lessons, denying that is denying your own religion. He taught LOVE, PEACE, and ACCEPTANCE. He was a WONDERFUL man. The son of god? Debatable, but he still taught us to love. :/

    EDIT: I left out a part. Oopsie :<

    Just like 99% of Christians aren't psycho, 99% of Pagans/Wiccans aren't psycho. There is ALWAYS that 1% that's insane.

    For Christians, it's Satanists (Satan is a Christian concept honey, all Satanists are a form of Christianity, even though most Satanists see him as a SYMBOL, not a deity. I have Satanist friends. They are just atheists who believe satan had the right idea, we are all Gods in our own way... Anyways, you get what I'm saying. I mean the animal sacrificing, crazy-ass Satanists), and the people that killed my friend, thinking you could "pray the gay away" and such.

    For Pagans and Wiccans (It's hard to explain the difference, I suggest reading religioustolerance.org, best website ever), it's people who do not follow the base of the Wiccan Rede, "An it Harm None, Do What Ye Will". Meaning, if it doesn't hurt anybody, in any way, shape, or form, do what you want.

    The other base is "Mind the Threefold Law You Should, Three Times Bad and Three Times Good". Meaning, karma will kick your ass. Anything you send out will get returned threefold. Curse someone? Get ready to pay, sucker. Heal someone? You gets happy time.

    For the record, I let my Goddess, and karma, do my vengeance, although I rarely get annoyed by people to that point. I've never even thought about black magick, or love spells, or anything like that. I mostly dedicate myself to herbal medicine, or Reiki Healing, through energy transfer.

    Oh, and I reserve my right to say "ass", the FCC says I can. >_> Seriously. They never censor it on Maury or anything. <_<

  13. I linked to this thread, from your comment I suppose you didn't read it?


    I'd like you to read over the replies to the arguments you use to say homosexuality is bad to see if you change your mind about God's opinion on the matter. Note that the person uses The Bible to answer almost everything, so you should find it interesting.

    I'm not sure why you brought up sleeping around, unless you're suggesting gays are more prone to it than straights.

    I think I love the person who wrote this. So true, especially the parts about Hel (hell) and Christ's birth.

    Also, be respectful of other's religions here. I'm assuming Kuoleva is a Wiccan. Wicca isn't Satanic... I honestly don't see the relation but this is more unrelated than animals finding pleasure in sex.

    Yeah... It's so common, I've gotten used to it. :/

    Back on the main topic, I'd like to add why evolution is the norm in schools: It really is, as of right now, the most logical and unbiased theory. Before you say "evolution says God doesn't exist"... Nope, wrong. One of my Christian friends believes in a combination of Creationism and Evolution. It's possible, just like how I've met more Christ-like Pagans than Christians. Christ was a great teacher, people just take it and misuse it.

    Anyways... >_> Yeah. Like any Vulcan would say, "It seems logical".

    Yes, some "missing links" have been disproved. We can't keep a perfect fossil record. It's not ape to man in one night, it's more like:

    ape -> less hairy ape -> (etc.) -> more humanoid -> (etc.) -> to human. It's all about adaptation.

    I'd like to ask you, if all humans originated from Adam and Eve, what race were they? How did they develop into other races? Oh yeah, evolution. :/

  14. And don't you just love how NO ONE in Pokemon knows where eggs come from? (Thinking of that one old lady in the house in Solaceon especially) Even when so many people in pokemon have kids and grandkids, it's a shame.

    I know, it's amazing they couldn't figure it out until the 2nd Gen.

    "Oh my GOD, an EGG? From POKEMON?! BLASPHEMY! We all know Pokemon pop out of the ground..."

    Seriously, all the day-cares are outside. Do they not notice them... err... getting it on? O_o; I love the day-care man.

    "We don't know how it got there, but your Pokemon had it..."

    Orly? Could it have, I don't know, laid it? :/

  15. Mine have to be, in no particular order:

    Lord of the Rings (All three of them, I know the entire monologue done by Galadriel in the beginning of the first movie :P )

    Underworld (Only the first one, Evolution wasn't as good as it should've been, and I have yet to see Rise of the Lycans)

    Shaun of the Dead (The best comedy ever :D I <3 Simon Pegg, he's amazing)

    Star Trek (Lord, the cast was perfect. Chekov had the most adorable, yet bad, accent. Spock was just epic, Sylar = Spock, anyone? xD And then we have Simon Pegg as Scotty, can you get any more perfect?)

    The Dark Knight (One of the best films ever, I still wonder if Christian Bale is as much of a jerk as he seems. :/)

    What are yours? :D

  16. Lol... I still go with Kate Beckinsale or Milla Jovovich.

    Milla is tiny, but if you go watch all three Resident Evil movies, dear lord, she should be the mascot for Left 4 Dead.

    Kate is just awesome, I adored her in Underworld. And Van Helsing. She, like Milla, plays more strong, independent roles, which would be perfect for Samus.

    Samus will be undersized, face it, it's Hollywood. At least go for a girl who can hold her own. I honestly don't know any buff actresses, unless they animate it. Then it can be truer to the original, but honestly, animated movies don't have that "movie" feel. That's just me, though. :/

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