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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/21 in all areas

  1. As far as I can see, the best course of action would be to extract all those Pokémon to .pk2 files. Afterwards, create a new Pokémon Crystal save, edit it in PKHeX so that your name and ID match, insert all those Pokémon with PKHeX, then play through the game again to have a finished save. Or just download a finished save and edit the info to match yours. Both would work. I'll play around with your file anyway and see if I can get it to run. EDIT: I managed to make it run and save in mGBA. You still have a lot of corrupted Pokémon, and the save file won't open in PKHeX so that we can batch export/import Pokémon (and PikaSav's .pkm files won't load in PKHeX), but at least it's playable. If I find any other solution, I'll let you know. Crystal.sav
    1 point
  2. I'm sorry for wasting your time. I've had all five of the GBA Pokemon games for years and thought they were legitimate, but after doing some more research online I have found out they are in fact all reproductions. That is likely why this wasn't working.
    1 point
  3. Whatever you uploaded is just random garbage; check it out in a hex editor. PKHeX rejects it correctly.
    1 point
  4. Super interesting! I have actually been looking for a way to print a faux certificate for my project but haven't found any info on cardstock or printing method, etc. That's cool! Yeah should be wrapped and posted Tuesday, I can update here as well :)
    1 point
  5. Hey all! I didn't have time to read EVERYTHING above, but I wanted to weigh in on this exciting conversation! I am currently editing a video for our Pokemon Project on YouTube (EveryGameEver) and I recently had a long conversation with Nintendo rep Jeremy Hepworth on this topic! He agrees that there is not any sort of SGB/2 SNES inside. Rather, it is proprietary software with a modified GB link cable that distributes the Mew to your game if you have an empty party slot. The SNES controller was simple the joystick used for the machine. He said there was no cartridge inside the Mew machines either, and that they were overall slightly smaller than the Arcade1Up tabletops you find in stores. I of course asked where Nintendo buried them, he said they are most definitely in a storage warehouse collecting dust lol. I just thought I would share this awesome conversation I got to have with him. Look for my vid next week! - Cody
    1 point
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