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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/17 in all areas

  1. He's basically giving control of the country to Congress...
    1 point
  2. The program has been updated with 3DS Link support (Dream Radar). This can be used to obtain all Dream Radar exclusive pokémon without actually using Dream Radar, which is good news for emulator users. Also, this covers another feature that was Pockestock only until now and surpases it, as the flags for each legendary pokémon can be wiped out so they can be trasnfered multiple times (even on real hardware). https://github.com/suloku/BW_tool/releases You may read the research thread here if interested:
    1 point
  3. I can't roll back the SQL 1 hour back lol. Don't worry, I've gotten infractions myself, we all have our past. you won't get banned from the infraction, its 10 points that expire automatically. In any case, I went to lock up some of the older controversial threads already. I'm wondering if it's necessary to hide the more controversial older threads. Any thoughts on hiding the old threads, @evandixon ? To my understanding, the intention of having the Debates forum is to have intellectual debates, but it seems to always ends up as some type of unholy combination of a flame war shit maelstrom. I do hope that everyone can conduct themselves in a manner that begets respect.
    1 point
  4. To my limited understanding, his team in the White House isn't even considered sufficient. If it was staffed properly, at least they may be able to carry the slack while he's off golfing.
    1 point
  5. Amen to that. I also agree that religious beliefs need to be taken out of the government. Really... If the country was run according to the Bible... What hell would we be in? Let's see... We'd still be stoning people. We'd still be sacrificing people/animals. It would be the death penalty if we wore clothes made of different materials. I could go on and on, but I won't. I'm not saying your beliefs are wrong, I'm just saying that religion and government should be two separate entities. I say, give them rights. If you don't like it? Suck it up and tough it out. It has nothing to do with you. Nothing at all. I wish people would quit PMSing over the lives of others. >_< If you believe how they live is a sin, fine. Trust me, everyone has heard the "going to hell, immoral, blah" speeches. They obviously don't care. They just want to live their lives. And don't even say that "they corrupt our kids into lives of immoral, wanton pleasure" or something like that. Let's adopt the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy, and get on with our lives.
    1 point
  6. Yeah, pretty much what Randomspot said. Cheating damages a relationship and is a moral offense, and homosexuality is just an issue with your religion. Even if it IS sinning, it's not as immoral as cheating and it does not hurt other people or relationships. Edit: I don't think legalizing marriage would directly cause a person to have less partners. If a person is in a serious relationship for marriage, they're gonna stick with the person regardless of whether they're able to.
    1 point
  7. There's no amendment, or mention of marriage, at all in the US Constitution or the Amendments. It coukd be argued that passage of homosexual marriage in one state would force other states to recognize it because of the Equal Protection Clause in the 14th amendment. At the time, it was designed to prevent legal discrimination. If a man owns property in one state and brings it elsewhere, that other state can't take it away. Or more sensibly, I can't flee my state if a warrant is out for me, go somewhere else and get out without consequence. It can be argued that it also applies to marriages. Many types of civil and legal documents cross state lines, so I don't see why a marraige certificate would become null and void either. Congrats on expanding your point. Even though I don't agree with you I totally get where you're coming from and understand your point of view *eye roll smiley here* Why should individuals have to change who they are to please some other group of people? Because they said so? Remember a true democracy is set up so that it's ruled by the majority but the minority still has rights. Even if people are totally against homosexuals, that shouldn't change anything that they still have (Well, should) the same legal rights and benefits everyone else enjoys.
    1 point
  8. Except that having homosexual feelings isn't on the same level as cheating, and that homosexuals will not obtain any feelings for the opposite gender, thus causing them to be alone for the rest of their lives if they DO ignore those feelings, or enter into a fake straight relationship without any true meaning.
    1 point
  9. No, it's not. It's going to happen more between two people who do not practice safe sex. Whether they are man or woman has nothing to do with it. Did any of you even watch the video I posted? I'll post it again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnHyy8gkNEE
    1 point
  10. I don't know much about laws and such, but I heard it crosses one of the US' Admendants if it's passed.
    1 point
  11. By whom (ie back up your statement with a source)? Okay... "I don't like it" should never be used concerning legal matters especially when it concerns denying a group of people equal rights. I'm going to go out there and say this: Gay marriage is a rights issue. Within the confines of a civil marriage, married couples automatically get several hundred benefits of marriage, including tax benefits, power of attorney, and more (depending on where you live). While some areas of the US and the world have made it possible to obtain some or all of these benefits, it is a complete hassle to do so when everyone else autoatically get these upon a civil marriage. Then there are areas who don't grant these benefits to non-married couples. And this whole legal system of marriage is based around two consenting adults. None of this slippery slope BS. Not incest (already banned because of how harmful it can be to the couple and children), not animal and human, not 3 women and one man, not one adult and one child, two consenting adults. **now i don't see why consenting adults can't enter into a polygamous marriage, but they shouldn't get any legal benefits from it, but that won't happen** Now, the often used justification is that being gay is a choice. (for some reason, the opposite, being straight, isn't seen as a choice, but I digress). Let's just assume that it's true. So what? It still doesn't invalidate that homosexuals deserve all the freedoms and protection under the law that everyone else can get. Tax breaks, equal employment (IE the right to not be fired/not hired just because of one's sexual orientation), yknow all that stuff. You know what else is protected under the law? Something that employees can't discriminate against, something that pretty much can't be used against you at all? Religion, which is 100% a choice. The ultimate solution to all of this is to get the government out of marriage. The state and local government have no business licensing religions to do legal marriages. If a religion wants to marry whatever, go for it. Or if they want to deny someone marriage, their choice. But it shouldn't be recognized by the state in either case. A civil marriage should be open to every consenting adult under the law. And anyone who wants to supplement that with a religious ceremony is welcome to do so. Also: If you can't handle a debate, you're welcome to not read the thread and/or post a reply. If you see anyone acting out of hand, report them or PM me with a direct link to the post.
    1 point
  12. Uhm, wraith, I think you're the one confusing love and lust. You cannot choose who you love. Not in the least. You can choose to ignore or respond to those feelings, but you cannot choose who you feel for. I fell in love with my best friend. Did I choose to love him? No. Did I even want to love him? No. That doesn't change the fact that I did, and still do. A friend of mine fell in love with a guy of a different race. I mean, head over heels in love. I live in the south. Down here, interracial relationships are spit upon. She despised herself for loving him, but no matter what she could do, she still loved him more than anything. Love IS an emotion. What else could it be? It's the strongest of positive emotions. I think you are the one that is misled. Love... Is beautiful. It leaves you broken, breathless, scared, and yet, wanting more. It's what we live for. If you ask anyone, what they really want, something immaterial and invaluable, they will say "love". Love is the thing that keeps us living, keeps us energetic, and keeps us on our toes. Why? Because it's unpredictable. We cannot anticipate who we love. We cannot change those feelings afterwords. That is the beauty of love! It's an emotion, yet, it can be something more, though all it ever really is, is an emotion. The varying degrees of those feelings are how we define love, and what it really is. At it's best, it is Nirvana. Something so wonderful, no words, be them written or spoken, can ever define or change it. At it's worst, it destroys us. But, the thing is, even if it hurts us, we desire that hurt. The pain, the destruction... It makes us feel complete. Even if it hurts, you never want to feel anything else. Love does sometimes lead to lust, as does lust lead to love, but they are two different emotions. Two different worlds. Lust is pleasure, physical pleasure. Love is... Unconditional. It requires nothing physical. It is Nirvana. Peace. Joy. Immeasurable. Incomprehensible. An emotional high. Our emotions define us. We cannot, under any circumstance, define our emotions. Homosexuality is not about lust, though, like heterosexuality, it can be. It is about love. Finding someone, no matter what gender, that lets us reach Nirvana. True happiness. Finding someone that makes life worth living for. As much as you'd like to deny it, it's true. Repressing love only leads to pain, the pain nobody wants to feel. The pain that I wish you could feel for five minutes. You'd explode. I'm for love. You're against it. That's how it will always be. Love versus religion. Trust, happiness, and peace, versus a legion of people following a man who taught love, and yet they refuse to practice it. /sigh... People these days. >_< EDIT: To clarify, I wasn't talking about any one person. Just the general populous against gay marriage... Like, Fred Phelps and that whole "God Hates Fags" deal. Goddess... If I ever got my hands around his neck... He'd be WISHING he were in hell.
    1 point
  13. I agree with you, Illithian, although I'm bringing up some of my own points. First off, I'm going to come out and say it. I'm bisexual. Now, I am more straight than I am lesbian, but if I see a beautiful woman crossing the street, I acknowledge that she is very attractive. Would I automatically want to sleep with her? No. It's NOT like that. It hardly ever is. We, as in homosexuals, are not the sexual, perverted deviants you seem to think we are. We do not sleep around as much as you think we do. In fact, we probably sleep around less than heterosexual couples. It's about love, not sex. You know, LOVE, the thing your teacher, Christ, taught. I love how, nowhere in the Bible, Christ mentions homosexuality as a sin. If it were so important, wouldn't he mention it? Also, what does it do to you if a man and man, or woman and woman get married? Yeah, nothing. They aren't forcing you to live like they do, rather, they'd LIKE it if you ignored them. I know a lesbian couple in my town. They are the nicest people I've ever known, and they are in more love than I've ever seen between two creatures. Their love has nothing to do with you, since they respect others, and do not show PDA. They keep it in private. What impact does it have on your psyche? Are you really so... Pathetic, that you let something like love scar you for life? I certainly hope not. Well, I guess since you can bring in religion, so can I. The Goddess has specifically stated that, "All acts of love and pleasure" are Her rituals. Where has She said this? In our hearts. Our minds. Our soul. I do not need a book to tell me what is right and wrong. Love is love. Regardless of gender, if it brings pleasure, why is it a sin? I know that, in my heart, the Goddess (and God, but my Goddess and I are closer, she's the mother I wish I had) sanctions all love. If both parties consent, and it brings them pleasure, there is nothing "sinful" about it, in fact, it is absolutely beautiful! The beauty of love, and sex, is that it does nothing but bring pleasure! STDs are the result of carelessness and stupidity, not sex in itself. To Her, it does not matter whether you have (I'm going to assume we're all mature enough here to handle sexual terminology) a penis or vagina, but rather, whether or not you have LOVE. Marriage? If your priests wish not to perform it for same-sex couples, that is their choice. But, if a priest (or priestess!) wishes to, why stop them? It was never a Christian concept. There was marriage long before the Catholic church. Floot, you sadden me. You really do. There is NO CURE. It isn't a disease. To think so is disgusting. I recommend the movie Religulous. I am not atheist, but that movie brought up so many good points, it's incredible.
    1 point
  14. Marriage was around before the Catholic Church. Whether or not their marriage is recognized by the Church is the Church's opinion, but the Church should not be able to decide if it recognized by law and the state. It people want to "sin", as you think it is, let them exercise their free will, it is God's gift to us. It's more like "Fine. Keep your beliefs and stay out of the laws.", no offense. Telling gays to get a civil union is like telling a person of colour to go to a Black Only water fountain. Still discrimination. Laws should not be designed around a religion. How would the people following other religions feel? What if it was illegal to eat pork or beef? Wouldn't that be silly when their religions have absolutely nothing to do with you? How do you believe that a person could change their sexual orientation? Could you force yourself into being gay? Can you choose your favourite colours or favourite food? I know I can't force myself to like anything I don't like... And I'd find it horrible to be forced stuck in a relationship where I feel no feelings or attraction for the person. For both the other person and myself. The whole cure for gay thing is... Well, it sounds at least a little better, but... I still don't think that's right. If you want to make a "cure" available to them, then do it, but I don't think you should force them to do anything. It's really just your opinion on the matter, and them being married isn't going to affect your life. With or without the ability to marry, there's still going to be gays.
    1 point
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