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Old Chateau Secrets Revealed


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There happens to be three secrets in Old Chateau. The two ghosts and the picture with eyes. The two ghosts is a butler and a little girl. When you see the little girl ghost, it leaves the room. There also happens to be the TM90 Substitute in that room, too. The picture with the eyes is a Gengar or a Haunter. And if you want to catch it you need a DS, not a DSi because you need any Generation lll game and put it in the GBA Slot. DSi doesnt have a GBA Slot, but DS does. Then you have to go to the picture and the picture's eyes will BLINK and/or the Pokemon comes out and follow you. Then you battle it. So the Gengar or the Haunter is a Dongle Pokemon. You can also catch a Haunter by walking in the Chateau with the Generation lll game in the GBA Slot, too. And last is that you can catch a Rotom in the TV which is in one of the bedrooms in nighttime.

Plus I'm not sure if this is true, but the statue in Old Chateau which glares at you and the statue in the Pokemon Mansion that the policeman protects are the same statues because there is only one statue in the Old Chateau. And I think there is a secret about the two statues. Correct me if I'm wrong about the the statue stuff.

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