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A frustrating problem with the legality checker...

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Hi everyone,

I have a problem that I need some help with. I am creating several pokemon via pokesav. The pokemon are completely fine, as far as I can see. I even use the PID generator to create the PIDs for my pokemon.

The problem is that sometimes (not always) the trash byte normalizer will "stop working" and shut down when I drag a pkm over the icon. Sometimes it will normalize the trash bytes and check for legality, and sometimes it will simply shut down.

Does anyone know why this might be? Did I make a mistake when transcribing the PID possibly? Why would the program shut down like that?

Thanks in advance for your help,



I've attached a pkm that causes problems with the Trash Byte Normalizer, but not with the legality checker, as an example for you to try.

007 Squirtle M NS.pkm

007 Squirtle M NS.pkm

Edited by Emeraldragon
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  • 4 weeks later...

Does ANYONE have ANY idea what the problem could be? I've haven't tried in over 2 weeks; I'm not even sure the problem is still occuring, though I don't know why it wouldn't be.

Still anxiously awaiting any help on this subject.


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Does ANYONE have ANY idea what the problem could be? I've haven't tried in over 2 weeks; I'm not even sure the problem is still occuring, though I don't know why it wouldn't be.

Opening the file in PokeGen reveals that the trainer name bytes are all zero. It's possible the programs you're using weren't coded to handle that.

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