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IV/Nature legality


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The restrictions come from the PID/IV combos, via RNG.

Call 1 and 2 go into the PID, then 3 and 4 go into the IVs, ignoring the highest bit.

Given that the RNG formula is linear, there is few combos, but ignoring the highest bit means that there is always 2 PIDs minimum to each IV set.

Remember, PIDs dictate nature, gender, half of shininess, and class for double-ability Pokemon.

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Given that the restriction is directly a PID/IV combo issue, the legality checker does check for this.

I was considering writing up a PID/IV seeker program, due to a couple of things the current one has (speed issues being #1), I aim to have a faster and more flexible program.

In the meantime, just post up nature/HP type combos and I can put up the max possible IVs with the correct PIDs.

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