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drag multiple times a same shiny .pk2 in gen7 save result always a same PID


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If drag a shiny pokemon in .pk2 into a gen7(or gen8) save, these pokemon obtain the exact same PID, even if drag multiple times. Also, this PID format is the same: XXXX0000, where XXXX is TID from pokemon in HEX, and four 0 additional. For example, a shiny pokemon in gen2 with ID 12574 always obtain PID 311E0000 in pkhex.
I have various shinies transferred in official Poke Transporter with the same ID, but they have different PID. (I don't have currently a active subscription).      

This PID format is intentional? or is a error? I use a latest version (PKHeX 20.10.10).

I know there have been changes with VC transfers in the latest version, but I find it strange to get the same PID always


 - - Fixed: Gen7 transfers from VC now generate with the official PID creation method. Star shinies are double shinies!


Edited by javisoto99
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