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RSE Event Flags Research


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I just needed somewhere to store the flags I bothered to compare.

FRLG Flags Research is in this thread: https://projectpokemon.org/home/forums/topic/47715-frlg-flags-research/
Additionally, some existing RS flags documented: https://github.com/pret/pokeruby/blob/9d62ad060b05848a0cad1f09881c3863596455fd/include/constants/flags.h#L258-L357
and E flags documented: https://github.com/pret/pokeemerald/blob/b1b97c1da9f8190ef3d145acf30eb1708f50e3f3/include/constants/flags.h#L516-L629 (thanks Kaphotics for linking them previously)

Here goes nothing:
Activating Mystery Events (RS): 2053 Set, 2124 Set
Receiving Eon Ticket from e-card2100 set, 2124 set, 2131 set
and constants that may or may not be necessary:


0: 0->1
16: 105->71
36: 60825->49897
37: 7220->8750
42: 25->64
43: 2->3
64: 4572->5394
73: 6->2
75: 19324->2251
76: 51374->56027
135: 0->4

Southern Island from Norman (RS)*: 2131 Set
and constants that may or may not be necessary:


42: 47->100, 43: 2->3

Southern Island via Mixing Records (E)*: 2227 Set (SYS_HAS_EON_TICKET flag)
Birth Island enabled (E)*: 0314 Set, 2261 Set
Navel Rock enabled (E)*: 0315 Set, 2272 Set
Faraway Island enabled (E)*: 0316 Set and 2262 Set
Manipulating Southern Island Lati@s: (flags after TV event) 0255 Set, 0291 Set, 0734 Set
Constants that affected which TV option was chosen:


130: 3->4
140: 3->4

213: ->0

213: ->1


* means you still need to have the ticket in your bag

At the very least, it also appears that the act of receiving the Eon Ticket from an e-card leave a value somewhere in the save that isn't event flags or event constants.
(Injecting the actual event isn't enough, need to receive it from e-reader)

Without this "value", the Eon Ticket would not be sent to Emerald during Mixing Records.
I've added a Pokémon RS save with the Eon Ticket received via e-reader to here.
Hopefully that makes the distribution to Emerald via Mixing Records easier.


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