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Ranch Save File Editing


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I haven't looked at ranch saves specifically, but when I looked at PBR saves some kind of encryption was placed on the entire block, making it impossible to edit without some debugging. (There is a current and and backup like the main pokemon games.) This was on top of the encryption placed on save files if you use Nintendo-sanctioned ways to get them. Which I suppose is a bit irrelevant in this case because PBR has a no-copy flag...

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Actually after chatting with Kaarosu last week I am giving more serious thought to loading pkms to/from Ranch saves. Not a full fledged save editor, but then again I am not really considering this out of my deep passion for Ranch (sarcasm).

Ranch is actually nice because it gives us a way to access PKM files without requiring the purchase of a flashcart. What I'm on the fence on is if that is really much of a limitation. You can get a good flashcart for <$15, and there is also the inconvenient fact that for what I'm considering to be of any use one would need a Wii, the ability to homebrew it, and probably Diamond/Pearl unless Ranch could be hacked to accept newer games.

Yeah, Ranch Saves are similar with the backup/main saves I can't recall but I think it also has an encryption but I think it's similar to the DS block encryptions

The DS saves don't use encryption except for select areas, but I understand what you meant by this.

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