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Tutorial on Programming

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I can't find one anywhere (that's suitable for me, and specifically for games). I already understand Hexadecimal, Binary, Octal (Not that I'll need it), Decimal (THE HARD KIND), and how to convert between them. I also know Logic Gates, but that probably only applies to hardware, not software. I want to learn about addresses, and what order I would put a code in, and things like that. I own a Trainer Toolkit, but I don't understand large portions of the manual. If anyone could give me a link to a website that I don't have to sign up for, I would be eternally grateful. I still don't get what 32-bit addresses and "If equal to/If more/less than" means. If you know an incredible tutorial that I would have to sign up for, that would be fine, too. Thanks in advance!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, here I go...


Addresses are the locations in the RAM in which the code will load your new number

IE Sample code, not real, just for learning purposes

Say a code gives you infinite money in a game. You open the code and see

07654321 99999999

The first 8 digits are the address that you want to put the last eight digits and what you want to do with them/how large the data you are inputing is. The first digit in this case, 0, means that I just want to keep putting 99999999 in the address (you denote an address by writing 0x in front of it, not in the code of course) 0x7654321 forever and that your 99999999 is a 32 bit integer.

Coding order:

Coding it is a bit of a logic thing... It goes a bit like this:

First, code any constraints/activators, including pointers (starts with B), button presses (usually starts with 94000130, it's different for DS exclusive buttons), and other values. Usually only needs to be placed once for every code.

Second, the meat of your code. This is where you put the values you desire.

Lastly, whether you want the code to loop a certain number of times or stop (usually starts with a D). This is optional if you want to have the code just constantly loop indefinitely but usually a good idea if your code involves an activator. You could shove one of these in the middle of your code if you have multiple parts to it... like one code which has two parts in which the first half activates whatever you wanted and the second part to deactivate it (like the 600cc code for Mario Kart DS).

32 bit addresses and the trainer's toolkit:

A 32 bit address is one that leads to a value that can take up to an eight digit hexadecimal number. 16 bit is 4 hex digits and 8 bit is 2 hex digits. It's a good idea to keep this in mind because certain values are not meant to go over their bit number, that's why they have it. If you put a 32 bit number into a 8 bit address, things will get a little hairy.

The Trainer's toolkit is basically just a big scanner of all of the addresses in your DS. You start a new search whenever you want to find a new address and all you are looking for is the value that you are looking for.

IE If you are looking for the money address in a pokemon game, take note of what your money is, how high it can go (tells you what to bit number to search for), and search for that value. You keep searching until you find it by changing the value and searching WITHIN YOUR RESULTS accordingly.

Good luck, hope this helped...

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