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Black Screen with 4Gen Game.


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Hi ! 

Because of starting a huge personnal database (from Gen 1 to 7), i've decided today to withdraw pokemon from my Pokemon Ranch AND Pokemon Box (but in fact this, it's not important). But the problem is i lost the cartridge which I used for putting all my Pokemon on Pokemon Ranch. So I dumped my new save (pokemon pearl) and edited only Trainer + TID + SID.

I injected the game, launched the game, and after the journal, black screen. I know it's in early stage, and you focus on the Gen VII, but i thought that this problem was important.

I can provide the base save + save edited with the crash, if needed.

Thanks !

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Hey o/ !

Thanks for the answer. Sadly i've already tried that (because i was sure at 99% the problem was from the map position) with a valid Diamond save. Didn't work. Maybe i didn't save properly / idk gonna retry.

But if it's the map position, I know where to look, thanks o/

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