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[PoC] Colosseum/XD buffer overflow exploit

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td;dr: So, it is basically possible to run arbitrary code on Pokémon Colosseum and xD, provided you can load modified save files. (even if it's actually useless ...)


How it works: On Pokémon Colosseum and xD, text, and especially Pokémon names, is stored as UTF-16 null-terminated strings (well, not UTF-16 exactly, but almost). When sending a Pokémon in battle, the games copies its name on a stack-allocated buffer, without proper bound-checking.

# Pokémon , PAL
ROM:8023B034 # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
ROM:8023B034 sub_8023B034:                           # CODE XREF: sub_80238CF0+58p
ROM:8023B034                                         # sub_8023AFE4+14p ...
ROM:8023B034 .set var_7C, -0x7C
ROM:8023B034 .set var_78, -0x78
ROM:8023B034 .set var_4C, -0x4C
ROM:8023B034 .set pkmNameBuffer, -0x48
ROM:8023B034 .set var_1F, -0x1F
ROM:8023B034 .set var_1B, -0x1B
ROM:8023B034 .set var_C, -0xC
ROM:8023B034 .set arg_4,  4
ROM:8023B034                 stwu      r1, -0x80(r1)
ROM:8023B038                 mflr      r0
ROM:8023B03C                 stw       r0, 0x80+arg_4(r1)
ROM:8023B040                 stmw      r29, 0x80+var_C(r1)
ROM:8023B044                 mr        r29, r5
ROM:8023B048                 mr        r31, r3
ROM:8023B04C                 mr        r30, r7
ROM:8023B050                 mr        r5, r6
ROM:8023B054                 bl        sub_8023B16C
ROM:8023B058                 mr        r0, r3
ROM:8023B05C                 mr        r3, r31       # pkm
ROM:8023B060                 mr        r31, r0
ROM:8023B064                 addi      r4, r1, 0x80+pkmNameBuffer # dstName
ROM:8023B068                 bl        copyPkmInfoForBattle # this will copy the Pokémon name into r4, WITHOUT CHECKING BOUNDARIES


ROM:8023B0FC loc_8023B0FC:                           # CODE XREF: sub_8023B034+70j
ROM:8023B0FC                 lmw       r29, 0x80+var_C(r1)
ROM:8023B100                 lwz       r0, 0x80+arg_4(r1)
ROM:8023B104                 mtlr      r0
ROM:8023B108                 addi      r1, r1, 0x80
ROM:8023B10C                 blr
ROM:8023B10C # End of function sub_8023B034

That means, if you fill your Pokémon's name (located at offset 0x4e (xD) or 0x2e (Colo) in the Pokémon data structure) with 76 (xD) or 124 (Colosseum) bytes of anything but not 00 00 or FF FF, followed by an address, the game will jump to that address.

Now, what makes it actually exploitable is that the address of in-battle Pokémon is always the same for a given version. (804DC708 for PAL xD etc...).

After jumping to the Pokémon data address (knowing its address), we can then jump to the PC data in a region-independent way:


lwz       r3, -0x4720(r13) # This is the saved data structure
addi      r3, r3, 0xAD0	# PC data address
mtctr	  r3

# Colosseum

lwz       r3, -0x5A58(r13) # This is the saved data structure
addi      r3, r3, 0xB88	# PC data address
mtctr	  r3

This eventually enable us to execute at most 0xbc50 (xD) or 0x7198 (Colosseum) bytes of code.

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I made a tool exploiting this vulnerability : http://www.mediafire.com/download/10xm5gjb8yo299s/pkmgchax.zip (all NTSC-U/PAL versions supported, tested on PAL; I'm lacking the address of in-battle Pokémon for Japanese versions).

You need to copy your save file under the name "save.gci", and the code you want to be executed upon entering a Pokémon battle (NOTE: its location in RAM may is only known at runtime) under the name "payload.bin", in the same folder as the executable.

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