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Banned Episodes: Pokémon - 035 - The Legend of Dratini, Pokémon - 038 - Electric Soldier Porygon


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So I found some banned pokemon episodes on thepiratebay, I found these two; Pokémon - 035 - The Legend of Dratini, Pokémon - 038 - Electric Soldier Porygon Idk much about them but I quickly learned not to watch Pokémon - 038 - Electric Soldier Porygon because of the seizures in Japan ;( Honestly I don't know much about them so I can tell you this; They are banned, DON'T WATCH ELECTRIC SOLDIER PORYGON (or else you get a seizure), If you are a child don't watch The Legend of Dratini (It may influence you to do bad stuff with guns)

If you can fill me in with more information, please leave it in the comments :).

Thanks - Sincerely, cataboy

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