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Granted, but then somebody makes a character that always owns Solid Snake and shoots him over and over and over. Suffice to say, Solid Snake (You) can't take it and try to take extreme measures that fail miserably and just put you in more pain.

What ever your wish is, it's corrupted.

I wish that HG/SS was out already. I don't want to wait anymore.

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Granted, but when you move, a zone time split occurs, where random areas are warped out of time, and what you do affects all other regions, whether past present or future. You then accidentally set off a chain reaction which destroys Cali(fornia?).

I wish that Bollywood was bearable to watch for more than 5 minutes. I hate it and I'm half Indian.. :P

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I wish I knew what evandixon meant by I.D.A.S..


I.D.A.S. is an organization that I co-founded to research the paranormal: Time Travel, Genetic Manipulation, and our method of traveling across Universes.

I wish I could get an idea of what to make for a cool signature for myself.

Granted, but it involved porn, so it would be removed from your signature as soon as you post it, as well as being banned.

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I wish that nothing bad can come from this wish or other wishes, and that nothing bad will happen to anything. NO DEATH, NOTHING!

Granted, but then we move along to the next wish, where your wish does not apply.

I wish that I became admin of the TSSM (Time-Saving Suicide Mission; what Grovyle came from the future in Mystery Dungeon 2 to do) and being effected by the GMV #447 (Genetic Mutation Virus; causes an instant and startling transformation from one species to another, only works under high radiation, like what is found in the time stream, ID number is the National-Dex number assigned to give more of a meaning to it) while still remembering everything I knew before I use a method of time travel different than what Celebi uses, while not die-ing, without being seriously injured, and while arriving at the correct island, at the right time.

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Granted, but it's you who pick up the phone, and somebody hypnotizes you through the phone, and forces you to commit terrible crimes. You then get thrown in jail for 1000 years.

I wish that I had chocolate that lets me travel backward in time, and I can't get stuck or change the future or die. Or get tortured horribly in any way.

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(First Twilight, now school, what next, Brussels sprouts?)

Granted, but then they always ruin mine, and I get angry and devise a cunning plan to get you addicted to...uh...err...Anti-Chocolate-Chocolate-Fish-Grass-Chocolate-Milk. This product makes you become anti-dairy product (so chocolate, ice cream and yoghurt..hee hee (oh and milk and cheese, etc)).

I wish for a magical fish stick!!

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