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wanna ask about translation


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i'm translateling pokegen for koreans,

BUT how can i change pokemon's names ,skills,and abilities?

also, i don't know how to change locations.

And, if i make a korean language file, can you update the pokegen that can change a language to koreans?

please help me ;-; And koreans love your poogram(include me!)!

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I hadn't planned on including a Korean translation. Getting the data for generation 4 games (and possibly even 5) would be too annoying, if not impossible, for me to do, considering I don't know the language at all. I don't want to put in the effort to provide the necessary information to allow someone else to gather that data either. (It needs to be in the right order and it needs extra stuff added to it that wouldn't be expected.) Given this, your only option is to have a partial translation that doesn't include the lists, but I'm never going to publicly release it that way.

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