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Bug: PKM file drag and drop limited to Box 1 and Party.


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I tried seeing if anyone recognized this as a known issue, it's hard to overlook, but since I can't find it, I'll post here anyway.

I seem to have found a bug in which .PKM files dragged from a file, into the program... only work with Box 1. If dragging them to another box, it overwrites the slot in Box 1.

I've posted a video as an example.

Basically, if I go to drag any Pokemon into Box 1, from a file, it's fine.

If I change the box to something else, it doesn't seem to recognize that I changed boxes, and continues to replace the pokemon from Box 1.

For example:

I have Articuno in the 1st slot of Box 1. I need to go to box 8 to drag and drop my Pikachu. I slide Pikachu into Slot 1 of Box 8. It appears as if nothing has happened. I return to Box 1 to find my Articuno replaced with the Pikachu I meant to place in Box 8.

I can freely drag any Pokemon into the party. Once I drag them into my party, they can be dragged into any box like normal. Direct drag-and-drop of PKM files into anywhere but Box 1 results in overwriting Box 1's Pokemon.

I hope this helps!

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