-NO Cheats were used during the creation of any save contained in this zip/folder. -Pokemon Crystal has 50 Male and 50 Female Trainer Account(s) All Named "?????" -Pokemon Gold has 50 Male Trainer Account(s) All Named "?????" -Pokemon Silver has 50 Male Trainer Account(s) All Named "?????" -All of the saves("Trainers") in this zip/folder were saved at the start of the game inside of the [Player's Bedroom] at PlayTime 00h:00m after creation without doing anything else. -The first 10 saves used [FRAME :TYPE 1] with all of the other saves cycling frame type(s) from 1 to 8 which was altered before the save(s) creation in the start menu's option(s) tab. -The purpose of these saves is to allow a player to have randomly created account(s) with random [I.D. numbers] and unknown name(s) which can be played by one person to collect item(s)/Pokemon to trade to their main account(s). Or, to play with family/friend(s) and collect item(s)/Pokemon and use these random "Mystery" Trainer Acct(s) to battle against eachother/trade to their main Gen2 or Gen3 account(s). -Avid Retro Pkmn Gamer