Bracelet: "Arm"=0 - None =1 - Mega Ring Eye Shadow: "EyeShadow"=0 - None =1 - [Active] '_for color': "ColorEyeshadow"=0 - Brown =1 - Green =2 - Blue =3 - Purple =4 - Orange Mascara: "Mascara"=0 - None =1 - Volumising Mascara =2 - Lengthenising Mascara Blush: "Cheek"=0- None =1- [Active] '_for color':"ColorCheek"=0 - Orange =1 - Pink =2 - Peach =3 - Rose =4 - Sandal(?)/Colourless(?) Lipstick: "Lips"=0 - None =1 - [Active] '_for color':"ColorLips"=0 - Orange =1 - Pink ----- {(not =2 - Hot Pink ----- work =3 - Wine Red ----- -ing)} { Report:When changing "ColorLips" value,"Version" value changes to the corresponding value mentioned above. } Skin Treatment(Freckles): {'I believe it's not working'} { Report:When changing "Freckles" value to '1', "Version" value changes to '4'. } "Freckles"=0 - None =1 - [Active(???)]