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I have a couple of questions .


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I'm new to the whole Pokemon editing and loading thing and have a bunch of questions that

I cant get a straight answer.(Lurking more didn't help ;P)

Most Questions have to do with the use of Action Replay codes but also transferring Pokemon to and from different sources.

1st: If I use the clone Pokemon AR code, Does this change the "legality" of said Pokemon? Because You are either replacing Pokemon or creating something out of thin air, both of these don't fall into the normal occurrences of the game and so the PID values are either copied or modified... yeaaaaah

2st: If I use the "Walk a step to obtain an Egg" code, does the code change the number of steps I take (1=1000 for example) or does it change the amount of steps needed? Same question goes for Hatching.

3rd: If I use the "Easy Captures" code, does it change the capture rate of the ball or the Pokemon? Changing the Poke ball would probably not effect the Pokemon but changing the catch rate of a Pokemon would change it's PID and HEX values...probably

4th: If I use the "Gauge Animation Cut(Exp/Health)"code, does it alter anything else in the game besides the speed of the health/exp bar?

5th: If I use the "Selected Pokemon Has Max Happiness:" Do the PID/HEX values change from the norm or would it just be as if I grinded the Happiness ?

and last but not least. If I trade Pokemon from a Rom to a Retail device, from DS to DS are they seen as Legitimate versions to each other or whatever. (I own Retail versions of all the DS Pokemon games but adding .pkm files to a rom seems easier and less time consuming than compiling AR code for every box...)

Yeah that's about it really, thank you in advance and If the questions are not in the proper forum please excuse me.

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1. provided it copies the entire pokemon and doesn't miss anything, no. this should be easy to check. make a copy with the AR code and extract the copy and original from the save. open both in a hex editor(i prefer HxD, but whatever) and compare them. byte for byte identical? no problems then.

2. fast hatch affects the number of steps, insta-egg does funny things to the egg generation. it does something along the lines of advancing the RNG past the date the PID should be used on. what ends up happening is that the PID doesn't match the dates it is supposed to be able to appear. this is detectable. not that it matters really, but so you know. fast hatch supposedly is too for a similar reason, but i wouldn't worry about that. i do a fair amount of RNG-ing and while i wouldn't use insta-egg(because it would screw up the process) i do use fast hatch and have not observed any problems. honestly, if someone won't trade with me because i used fast hatch, i probably don't want to trade with this person anyway.

3. changes the ball.

4. who knows how an AR affects saves exactly. it might, i suppose.

5. shouldn't touch anything else, but who knows exactly with AR.

6. yes, you're fine.

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