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10 Good


  • Birthday 02/10/1987
  1. all the bugs i have is problem of the supercard thnks to you i can play all the game and no trouble THNKS MAN for other user of the supercard dsone sdhc use te RETROGAMEFAN MULTI CART UPDATE follow the stepsand the game works ok
  2. in driftveil turnament after the first match the game freeze in supercard dsone sdhc cant continued with the game is after geting the 5 medal
  3. in rute 4 in castelia city exit there is a woman trainer that reset continuosly she have a togepi and a happini. go in figth her an go out of rute 4 and enter again and figt her again:cool:
  4. i fund a bug when you enter in your trainer card in the circle of your favorite medal pop a black screen and cant go out it frezze but the music still playing im using a supercard ds one sdhc. sorry for the bad english:cool:
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