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About Ozz465

  • Birthday 07/23/1982
  1. Works fine for me , sent over an event celebi to black and came out fine, any way to edit the date of the poke being met?
  2. Any specific link to pkm files u guys have confirmed working?
  3. Do u mean the filze size conversion tool?? if so yes some of them were put thrue that .
  4. there the event pokemon from project pokemon site ,since they have a special ribbon gts wont allow me to send it to my pc. as for the actual nickname in game in the the summary the name comesup as normal but when in theparty view of all your your pokemon the name is in? marks .
  5. receiving , these are the promotional pokemon lugia came with name ????? OT ?ce??CE OBLIVIA dioxis name ?????? OT ???????
  6. Finally got this to work , is it a bug to get the pokemon with??? in stead of the name ?
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