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About YodaDaCoda

  • Birthday 10/05/1989
  1. It's a commandline program, written in Python and using the PYPKM library (which I did not write and is far beyond my coding ability). It requires Python installed on your computer to run. It has no user interface. It takes the arguments given on the commandline and uses them to generate a new PKM file from scratch. It's basically my attempt to take a lot of the work out of generating *legal* pokemon
  2. Thanks for your answer. I understand that each pokemon has an ability 0 or 1, and that the PID needs to match, but I don't understand your PID >> 16 % 2 = ability. Would you mind explaining?
  3. Greetz everybody. For as long as I've been playing with PKM files, I've wanted a way to create them through the commandline for quick/batch generation. So, after a lot of searching and re-learning python, I made my PKM Generator. It's designed to make generating legal pokes as easy as possible. There's still a bunch of work to do, but for now it's functional. Example usage: python pkmgen.py --pokemon="larvitar" --move1="bite" --move2="leer" --edate="21,09,12" --mdate="21,09,12" --ivs="31,31,31,31,31,31" --gender="male" --ability="guts" --nature="timid" --level="10" --ot="Name,0,0,male" > newpoke.pkm I'd love some feedback, especially if someone understands better than I how to generate the PID properly (at the moment it only seems to generate a valid PID about 50% of the time). Credits go to Ceol, creator of pypkm (https://github.com/ceol/pypkm), without which I would not have been able to create this. PKM Generator..zip
  4. It would seem that since this was released, the website that it uses to get the public IP has changed things around such that it no longer works. Fixing it properly would require changing of the code. See suggestions below for temporary fixes. If you're only going to very quickly use it to transfer a pokemon, you can use as a globally available IP address, but since I've never seen that advised anywhere, I'm guessing it's not the done thing. (so much easier than trying to find public IPs IMHO). Edit: :rolleyes: will not work, because the DNS server will try to tell the DS your IP is, which will cause a connection error. If you want to have your gts server available to the world, go to http://www.whatismyip.org/ and use the result from that. If you only want to transfer on your local network, and don't want your gts server publically available, run ipconfig from the command prompt and find the ip address in the output. Note: is good for quickly setting up the GTS server, but don't use it as the IP in the DNS settings of your DS. It simply won't work. You will need to use one of the other two methods (preferably the second if you're working on a local wifi).
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