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Gen 3 PID generation for Unown


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I have found how PID-IV generation is done in gen 3 and 4 games but what i cant found its any infor for the method that GBA games used to generate Unown.

The different between Unown and any other pokemon in gen 3 is that the forms of unown depend of the room where you catch it in FR/LG and the form in gen 3 its extracted from the PID.

How its generated the PID-IV relation for Unown in GBA? Is just for curiosity but i will like to know how was done.

I tried to search about this but google only give generic PID-IV data or just results containing the word "unknown" insted of unown

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Some work has been done to extract other 'niche' formulae from the game such as that used to calculate the size of a Heracross or Barboach when talking to an NPC. Or the safari bait/rock formulae in generation 1 for example have also been discovered.

It would be interesting to see if there is a different algorithm used, however I would guess that subsequent calls would be made to the standard one until a matching letter unown was found. One way without looking at the recompiled code would be to check the PID and IVs of a freshly caught unown against the frames nearby of other Pokemon whose method is known.

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