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649 .pkm Files (In a .rar!)


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Something similar has been done previously:


I'm sorry but your first box of Pokemon could not even get through Poketransporter xD



Anyway thanks to the ordeal above, I've decided to take part in this project.

In this link, is a save file with all Pokemon (minus legendaries).

I've changed the OT, ID and SID for privacy purposes, but take comfort in knowing that all of them went through Pokebank before I did so.

(I used Pikaedit to achieve this feat of changing all OT ID and SID at once)

Those with sharp eyes may have noticed that some are named "Pokedex"

Do not worry, as the nickname flag is set to off, so Poketransporter will re-issue their proper names upon transfer.

(you might realize the "Pokedex" is a template I used for Pokemon I did not have)

Any issues let me know, so I can update the save.

Not that I encountered any issues, but I did change a few PIDs as they were shiny, so just in case there was a lapse in my judgment.


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