OMEGA RUBY/ALPHA SAPPHIRE EON TICKET GUIDE ------------------------------------------ Overview ******** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------O After doing quite a bit of research and experimenting, and many hours of failure, I have finally found | a way to re-activate the special EON TICKET event in-game, which allows for the travel to Southern | Island,and the capture of Latias (if you're playing Omega Ruby), and Latios (if you're playing Alpha | Sapphire).This guide is useful for those who want to rebattle the Latis for whatever reason, from shiny| hunting tosoft resetting for IVs. Anyhow, let's get started. If you are looking for the reactivation | guide, skip down through the first part. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------O Pre-requisites ************** 1. BEAT NORMAN IN THE PETALBURG CITY GYM - This event will only activate if you've obtained the Balance Badge, which is going to happen before the rest of the events, so don't worry too much. 2. OBTAIN THE FIRST LATI - This happens during the story line, and all you have to do is travel with Steven to Southern Island for the first time, play through the various cutscenes, and the Lati joins your team. 3. UNLOCK MEGA EVOLUTION - This is automatically unlocked once you complete the first trip to Southern Island, in which Steven gives you a Mega Bracelet after the first Lati joins your party. 4. OBTAIN THE EON TICKET - This is quite obvious, as it is the item that allows you to travel to Southern Island and fight the Lati that did not join your team during the main storyline. Note that you must pick up the ticket from the Pokémon center girl before you can proceed to the actual event. Eon Ticket Event **************** Once you have met all the requirements and received the Eon Ticket from either Streetpass or the delivery girl in the Pokémon center, she will give you a message telling you to talk to Norman, located in the Petalburg Gym. When you approach him, he will recognize that you have an Eon Ticket, and will direct you to Slateport Harbor, where you shall sail to Southern Island. (NOTE: You cannot fly or sail to Southern Island by any means other than the first time in the storyline, or the second time with the Eon Ticket.) Once you arrive at Southern Island, and the sailor drops anchor, you are free to head north through the thicket, and in the next area, either Latias (Omega Ruby( or Latios (Alpha Sapphire) will be waiting for you. You are free to save before you challenge it. If you defeat the Lati, they will remain there until you are successful (citation needed). Once you have caught the Lati or are satisfied with what you've seen, talk to the Sailor again and he'll sail you back to Slateport Harbor. When you arrive, Norman welcomes you back, transports you back to the gym, and gives you are heart-felt parting message. That's it! REACTIVATING THE EON TICKET EVENT ********************************* This is where things turn to hacks. You will need a way to edit your save file's event flags so that you can do the event again. PkHex by Kaphotics is a great tool to do this with, and I highly recommend its use. Anyway, once you have exported your save with some form of 3ds save file manager, open your save in PkHex and refer to the following for more instructions. Event Flags *********** There are numerous flags involved in the re-activation of the event, so make sure you follow this guide to the letter: 1. Make sure flags 418, 419, and 420 are ALL CHECKED. 2. As far as flag 835, you have two options: 1. (NOT RECOMMENDED) If you choose, you may remove the ticket from your bag using PkHex, and then import an Eon Ticket Wondercard with Mystery Gift editor within PkHex. Make sure you remove the ticket first, then import the wondercard, and then make sure that FLAG 835 IS UNCHECKED. 2. (RECOMMENDED) You may also keep the Eon Ticket in your back and save yourself the hassle of reobtaining the ticket. Simply make sure you have the ticket in your bag, and make sure that FLAG 835 IS CHECKED. 3. IF OMEGA RUBY: Make sure that flag 2834 is UNCHECKED. IF ALPHA SAPPHIRE: Make sure that flag 2835 is UNCHECKED. 4. For flag 2914, you have two options: 1. IF YOU CHOSE TO REOBTAIN THE EON TICKET, make sure that FLAG 2914 IS UNCHECKED. 2. IF YOU CHOSE TO KEEP THE EON TICKET, make sure that FLAG 2914 IS CHECKED. ****************************************************** 5. MAKE SURE FLAG 2915 IS UNCHECKED. THIS IS CRUCIAL!* ****************************************************** You are now free to export your save and reinject it into your game. How to reactivate the Event *************************** IF YOU CHOSE TO REOBTAIN THE EON TICKET, walk into any Pokémon center and receive the Eon Ticket from the delivery girl. There is a possibility she may not tell you where to go, but once you get the ticket, fly to Petalburg City and talk to Norman in the gym to begin the event. IF YOU CHOSE TO KEEP THE EON TICKET, simply talk to Norman in the Petalburg City Gym to begin the event. Good luck, and I hope this worked! WHY THIS WORKS (AND MY RESEARCH FINDINGS) ***************************************** I basically decided to use my game in which I had obtained the Eon Ticket but not used it, which was Alpha Sapphire. So here's a step by step guide of what I did and what I discovered. In my game I saved right in front of Norman. At the time, flags 418, 419, and 420 were checked. Flag 418 has something to do with access to Southern Island, and I'll explain that later, but it's important that it is checked. Flags 419 and 420 is actually supposed to be there at all times, because it prevents the sprite of Latias (in Omega Ruby, flag 419) or Latios (in Alpha Sapphire, flag 420) from spawning there if you teleport your way to the island using hacked coordinates. It is important that before you reach Southern Island, these two flags are checked. I also had flag 835 checked. Flag 835 is checked when you do NOT have a gift to receive in the Pokémon center, though that's just empirically derived, and as far as I know only applies to the Eon Ticket. Regardless, since I had already obtained the gift, the flag was checked. Also, flag 2834 was checked, but 2835 was not checked. This is because flag 2834 is the flag for Latias's capture. In Alpha Sapphire, since Latias joins your team, but Latios doesn't, flag 2834 is checked, but flag 2835 remains unchecked until you capture it with the Eon Ticket event. So, in conclusion, if you're playing Omega Ruby, make sure flag 2835 is checked and flag 2834 is not, and in Alpha Sapphire, make sure flag 2834 is checked and flag 2835 is not. And last but not least, flag 2914 was checked, and 2915 was not checked. At the time, I had already received the gift AND heard the lady's dialogue about how I should take the ticket to Norman. That is what I believe flag 2914 is, and hence why it was checked. Flag 2915 is the master switch, as I will explain later... Anyway, I then talked to Norman, and he took me to Southern Island, and I saved immediately after I got there. When I checked my flags for a second time, flags 418, 419, AND 420 were ALL unchecked. This makes sense, as flags 419 and 420 are lifted to make the sprite of Latias or Latios appear when you enter the next area, and 418... well, it just was unchecked. I don't know exactly why, but it has to do with Southern Island somehow. I then went and caught Latios (Latias if you play Omega Ruby), and saved right after I picked up the Soul Dew. The only things that changed pertained to Latios: flag 420 was activated again, signifying that I defeated Latios, and flag 2835 was activated for the first time, signifying that I indeed caught Latios. And that was it. For the final save, I sailed back to Slateport, Norman welcomed me back, and took me back to the gym, and I saved right after he said goodbye. This is where my research paid off. First of all, flags 418 and 419 were activated again. 419 signifies Latias' defeat, but that's because when I caught the remaining Lati, the sprites are programmed to not show up again, hence why both 419 and 420 are now activated. 418 is still a mystery. It's only inactive when you're actually on Southern Island, funny thing. And then this happened: flag 2915 was activated. This was it. I had found the magic flag, or so I now believe. So I tested it on Omega Ruby, in which I had already obtained and completed the Eon Ticket and its subsequent event. I deactivated flag 2915 and 2835, and checked flags 418, 419, 420, 835, and 2834. Lo and behold. I talk to Norman, and he takes me to Southern Island! Basically, flag 2915 is your master switch for the event. ************************************************************************************************************* Thanks for checking this guide out! I took a lot of time, going through all 3071 flags at least 5 times, so I'm glad I can finally share my research with you. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS **************** Huge credits to Kaphotics, who created PkHex and the ability to check event flags. And to those at Project Pokémon who discussed the event and its flags, as it gave me a great head start on the project. If you have any problems, feel free to email me at, or message me at Project Pokémon. I'm also greatly looking forward to feedback! So long, and happy eon ticketing! ----------------------------------------------O Tnatiuk17Piano | V 1.0 - This guide was created August 16, 2017| ----------------------------------------------O