PID/IV Generator
Note: This feature is present only in the latest versions of Pokésav. If your version does not have a PID/IV generator, grab the latest version from the Download page.
This menu allows you to generate a set of legal PIDs for a Pokémon's given IVs. This part of Pokésav is useful for making the relationship between a Pokémon's PID and its IVs legal.
To generate a legal PID, first, fill out the Pokémon's IVs in the Pokémon Edit Menu. After you enter this menu through the PID/IV button, press Generate to get a list of valid PIDs for that set of IVs. Pokésav will then list valid PIDs in the rows and their corresponding stats in the columns. If you don't see a PID with desirable stats, simply change the IVs (even a slight change will result in an entirely different set of PIDs) and try generating the list again.
When you see a desirable PID, simply click on it and press OK. The changes will then be applied to the Pokémon. If the species of Pokémon has more than one possible ability, don't forget to change the ability according to the class value of the new PID.
This generator does not apply to hatched Pokémon or event Pokémon, as these conform to entirely different algorithms.