Mystery Gift Edit
Edit the current mystery gifts and wonder cards here. When activated, mystery gifts can be received at a Pokémart by talking to the delivery man there. To share or view currently carried wonder cards, choose Mystery Gift in the menu before the game starts.
Some events (including most special legendary Pokémon events) can only be started with the use of mystery gifts. For example, the only legitimate way to start the Acerus event is to receive the Azure Flute via a mystery gift.
How to Use Mystery Gift and Wonder Card Files
For this example I will be referring to this Manaphy file collection. Included in the archive are PGT and PCD files given out during a Toys R Us Manaphy event. Be sure to extract the files from the archive before continuing. For more mystery gift files, please visit the event section.
Loading Mystery Gift Files
Enable Mystery Gift: This checkbox will enable the Mystery Gift system when checked. Checking this is the equivalent of enabling Mystery Gift regularly via the man in the Jubilife TV station.
Wonder Card ID: This is a list of Wonder Cards that have been received. Each Wonder Card is branded with a particular Card ID. This is to make sure that you do not receive the same Wonder Card twice.
Gift Number: Up to eight gifts can be associated with a single save file at a time. They are received in order by talking to the delivery man at a Pokémart.
Save/Load: Save and load .pgt (mystery gift) or .pcd (wonder card) files into the currently selected slot. Each file contains data for a single mystery gift or wonder card.
Enable Gift: Check this if you want the gift delivered to you. If this remains unchecked, the gift cannot be received.
Corresponding Card Number: This is the number of the card that the mystery gift corresponds to. If setting up a Wonder Card and Mystery Gift combination, make sure the Corresponding Card Number of the gift matches its Card Number in the Wonder Card section.
Gift Type: This is the type of mystery gift that will be received. Depending on what is selected in this drop down menu, different options will be available below. For example, if you select "Item," you can choose which item the mystery gift contains but nothing else.
Item: Only enabled if the "Gift Type" is set to "Item." Choose which item to receive here.
Pokétch Apps: Only enabled if the "Gift Type" is set to "Pokétch Apps." Choose which Pokétch app to receive here.
Rule, Seal, Accessory, Ribbon: Only enabled if the respective option under "Gift Type" is chosen. Here you can choose which type (using a number) of rule, seal, accessory, or ribbon to be delivered.
Pokémon: If the mystery gift is to contain a Pokémon, in this slot you can save, load, and edit the Pokémon using the Pokémon Edit Menu.
Card Number: Up to three wonder cards can be associated with a single save file at a time. They can be accessed by choosing Mystery Gift from the menu before the game starts.
Enable Card: Check this box to make sure that the wonder card can be accessed through the Mystery Gift menu.
Card ID: This is the unique ID number of the wonder card. This is how the game ensures that the same wonder card is not received twice.
Card Title, Card Comment: Each wonder card can have both a title and a comment to go along with it, viewable by the recipient.
Card Icon 1, Card Icon 2, Card Icon 3: These icons represent Pokémon and are displayed on the top right corner of the wonder card. Type in a number here from 1 to 493 in national Pokédex order to display different Pokémon. (1 displays a Bulbasaur icon, 493 displays an Arceus icon)
Times card can be shared: How many times the owner of the Wonder Card can give copies out to other people. You can also select unrestricted for an endless card.
Version to Share With: Wonder Card sharing can be locked to one particular version. In most cases, check both of these boxes to ensure that the card can be shared with both Diamond and Pearl games.
Date Card Received: The date at which the wonder card was received.