EV and IV guide
EVs (effort values) and IVs (individual values) are hidden values that determine a Pokémon's stats. These are very important figures when dealing with competitive play, as they both have a vital role in determining a Pokémon's final stats.
Both EVs and IVs can be fully edited with Pokésav with the Pokémon Edit menu.
EVs (effort values)
General rules to EVs:
Having 4 EVs in a certain stat adds one point to that stat. For example, if a Pokémon had 4 attack EVs, its attack power would be 1 point greater than normal. If a Pokémon had 40 attack EVs, its attack power would be 10 points greater than normal.
Each stat can have up to 255 EVs (although only 252 of these are used). When combined, the total EVs of a Pokémon cannot exceed 510, so it's only possible to "max out" two individual stats.
Raising EVs without the use of Pokésav is possible with EV training. Each Pokémon defeated will give the Pokémon a certain number of EVs in a certain stat. The number of EVs and which type of EV you get depends on the wild Pokémon you're fighting. For example, fighting a Zubat will grant the Pokémon 1 speed EV.
Also, taking vitamins such as Iron and Carbos raises EVs by ten each (Iron raises defense EVs, Carbos raises speed, etc.). Keep in mind that vitamins cannot be used for a particular stat if the Pokémon has more than 100 EVs in that stat.
EVs can be fully edited in Pokésav with the Pokémon Edit menu.
IVs (individual values) aka DVs
General rules to IVs:
Having one IV in a certain stat adds one point to that stat. For example, if a Pokémon has 1 attack IV, its attack power would be 1 point greater than normal. If a Pokémon has 31 attack IVs, its attack power would be 31 points greater than normal.
Each stat can have up to 31 IVs. There is no limit on the total IVs that a Pokémon can have, although the theoretical maximum is 186 (31 IVs*6 stats).
Because a Pokémon is born with its IVs, they cannot be changed through normal means. In Pokésav, IVs can be fully edited with the Pokémon Edit menu.