Getting started
There are two main methods of using Pokesav. You can transfer a Pokemon save file to your hard drive and edit it with Pokesav, or you can use Pokesav to generate Action Replay codes to edit the game.
If you have the proper equipment, editing save files on the computer is usually preferred over generating AR codes (this method is more flexible and less prone to errors). In most cases, using AR codes produces similar results.
Using Action Replay Codes (with an Action Replay DS or Nitro Hax)
To generate Action Replay codes, first edit anything you want to change in Pokesav. After you're finished editing, press the "AR DS Code Output" button on the main window. In the output screen, check the boxes depending on what you edited (for example, if you edited the ID and Secret ID, check those boxes).
Now press "save file." Pokesav will export all the necessary Action Replay codes as an XML file. Import this file into the Action Replay Code Manager and transfer the codes to your ARDS. Now run the codes with Pokemon Diamond or Pearl. Pressing L+R will activate the codes.
If it's not possible to import them into the Code Manager, you can also manually paste the codes in. Open the exported XML file with Notepad or another text editor. Inside there will be two codes, one specific to Diamond and one specific to Pearl. Make sure you grab the one appropriate for your version. Ignoring the XML formatting, copy the raw Action Replay code into the code manager.
Do not activate too many different codes at once, as this may crash the game or cause undesirable effects. If the game crashes after pressing L+R, try disabling codes one at a time until the game works.
Using a flashcart such as the R4DS, M3 DS Real, CycloDS, Acekard 2, or Supercard SD
All you must do with most modern flashcarts is drag and drop the Pokemon ROM to the memory card and save once inside the game. A Pokesav compatible file should be created in the directory of the ROM.
On some flashcarts (especially older slot-2 carts) and emulators, however, the save file isn't initially compatible with Pokesav. You must convert it using the online save converter. I prefer converting the save to the RAW 512KB save type, but many other save types should work too. When you are done with Pokesav, make sure you convert it back to your flashcart's native format.
Editing a Retail Cart
First, if you haven't already, obtain a device capable of backing up and restoring saves from retail DS carts. This includes any slot-2 flashcard capable of running DS homebrew, plus save backup software such as Reinmoon or Rudolph's NDS Backup Tool. Some third party cheat devices such as the Gameshark Duo will work too (although these solutions are not recommended).
Use the save backup device to transfer the save file from a Pokemon cartridge to a Windows PC. The exact procedure varies from device to device, but in the end you should get a .sav file on your hard drive. If you end up with another type of file, use the online save converter to turn it into a .sav file (I recommend 512KB RAW files).
After obtaining the save file
Once you do end up with a .sav file, take note of its size in kilobytes. It should either be 512KB or 256KB. Now make a backup of the save file (copy and paste it) in case something goes wrong. You're ready to start up Pokesav. After the program loads, tick the option for the size under File Type. Choose either 512KB or 256KB.
Next, press the "open" button and select the save file. If all goes well, the file will be loaded. If not, try ticking the other file size and opening the save file again.
In Pokesav, edit whatever you want. When finished, save your work and transfer the .sav file back. If using a flashcart, simply copy and paste the save file back to the cart, renaming it if necessary. If using Reinmoon, Rudolph's Tool or a save backup device, transfer the save file back to the game cart using the program.