Author: Sabresite
Download: Click Here
- Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 -
- Microsoft Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/2008
- Extract to a folder.
- Drop PKM file(s) onto the executable.
- Drop folder(s) onto the executable.
What does this program do?
Legality Checker is a simple tool designed to aid a person in determining if their Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Pokemon is Legal.
The program checks for certain values and relationships which cannot be seen in-game. Everything else should be viewable in-game.
- This number represents a crude integrity check of the pokemon data. If it is Invalid, the pokemon was modified externally to the game.
Pokemon ID:
- This number is the personality ID of the pokemon. It determines nature, gender, ability, and shinyness
- The ability (1 or 2), should correspond to the ability seen in-game. This may be different for pal parked pokemon where abilities were
later introduced for Diamond/Pearl.
Individual Values (IVs):
- This is a set of numbers representing the pokemon's genetic disposition to a particular stat. The set is in order of:
- HP, Attack, Defense, Speed, Special Attack, Special Defense
Secret ID:
- This number distinguishes a trainer from others which may have the same name and/or trainer id.
Hidden Power:
- The type and damage related to the Hidden Power move.
Fateful Encounter:
- Certain pokemon from promotional events (like mystery gifts) have this flag.
Gender Check:
- If this is invalid, the pokemon is hacked.
Effort Values:
- If this is invalid, the pokemon was altered by an external program.
Trash Bytes:
- Pokemon Pal Parked from GBA have this. If this is displayed, it must be valid or the pokemon is hacked.
- Mystery Gift pokemon also have this. If this is displayed, it must be valid or the pokemon is hacked.
Country Originated:
- This is the country/language that the pokemon originated from.
- For pal parked pokemon, it may be different then the Pal Parked Country.
Pal Parked Country:
- This is the country of the diamond/pearl game that pal parked the pokemon.
- This is determined by trash bytes. If trash bytes are invalid, this does not apply (since the pokemon is hacked anyways).
- If the pal park country says "Indeterminate", this is because there are no trash bytes to check.
- If a pokemon evolved, the trash bytes may say "Japan" or "Invalid" instead of the proper country. This is normal.
- A pokemon that was pal parked by a different country than the country of origin or the korean game must be nicknamed.
In this scenario, the trash bytes will be invalid if the pokemon does not have the IsNicknamed flag.
- Normal NDS or GBA - This type is the most common and will be seen on wild/legend encountered pokemon in nds/gba games.
- NonEvent NDS or GBA - This type is less common and will be seen on wild encountered pokemon in nds/gba games.
- It is unclear whether GBA legends will be seen with this type.
- Uncommon GBA - This type is seen uncommonly by wild encountered pokemon in gba games.
- Rare GBA - This type is seen rarely by wild encountered pokemon in gba games.
- Very Rare GBA - This type is seen in less than 1% of wild encountered pokemon in gba games.
- Ultra Rare GBA - This type is seen in less than 0.01% of wild encountered pokemon in gba games.
- Common GBA Event (Restricted) - This type is seen with particular promotional GBA pokemon.
The following pokemon should ALWAYS be this type.
- WISHMKR Jirachi
- 10th Anniversary Pokemon (All countries)
- Bryant Park 10 ANIV Pokemon
- SPACE C Deoxys
- DOEL Deoxys
- ROCKS & Festa Metang
- GW, Yokohama & ANA pikachu
- Mitsurin Celebi
- Sunday Pikachu and Wobbuffet
- PCJP Pokemon
- Pokepark Pokemon
- Hadou Mew and Regis
- Tanabata Jirachi (2004-2006)
- Common GBA Event (Unrestricted) - This type is seen with particular promotional GBA pokemon.
The following pokemon use both restricted & unresticted:
- Pokemon Center Japan
- Negai Boshi Jirachi
- Pokemon Box pichu, skitty, swablu, and zigzagoon
- MYSTRY mew
- There may be more. Please report confirmed pokemon events so they can be added to this list.
More Types:
- Egg - This is a pokemon in an egg. There is not much to check.
- Hatched - This pokemon was hatched from an egg. Not much to check.
- Mystery Gift (Static PID) - This is a mystery gift with a static pokemon id.
- Mystery Gift (Dynamic PID) - This is a mystery gift with a dynamic pokemon id. Make sure to check it thoroughly with another program to be sure its legit.
- Hacked Mystery Gift - The mystery gift is a hacked static pid mystery gift.
- Egg from Manaphy Event - This is an egg from the pokemon ranger manaphy event.
- Hatched from Manaphy Event - This is a manaphy hatched from the poemon ranger event. CANNOT BE SHINY
- Hacked Manaphy Event - This is a hacked manaphy. Its probably shiny and failed the PID check.
- Unknown GBA Pokemon - Hacked & Hatched pokemon from GBA will show up as unknown. Pokemon from XD/Collo will also be unknown.
These promotional pokemon also fall here:
- CHANNEL Jirachi
- Ageto Celebi
- Koroshiamu pikachu
- Ruby/Saphire Shiny Zigzagoon
- PCNY pokemon
- Hacked Pokemon - This pokemon was hacked.