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About TimDerHenker

  • Birthday 05/02/1980
  1. Aaaaaaah I see ^^ I've got to turn it round. Bulbapeia entry saying "87.5% male, 12.5% female" is "12.5% female, 87.5% male" for Gen II? I'll try it ^^ Thanks Edit: Perfect calculates more than 150 Pokes correct, so I think it works like it should ^^
  2. Well.... Again it's a long time since I last wrote. I just accidently found out some false gender calculations for Pokemon. It's kind of weird, because I think my program is right and the rom fails ^^ It's like this: In crystal, the gender of Pokemon is calculated based on their attack IV. This value is than checked against a predefined gender value. If the IV is less than the predefined value, the Pokemon is female. Else it will be male. And here is my case: I've got one Togepi and one Togetic. Based on bulbapedia entries (Togepi: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Togepi_(Pok%C3%A9mon) Togetic: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Togetic_(Pok%C3%A9mon) ), both have a gender ratio of 87.5% male, 12.5% female (1:7). So the border-value is: 16 (IV's max value)/8*7, wich is exactly 14. That would normally mean, that every Togepi or Togetic with an Attack IV less than 14 is male. Well, my Togepi has an AttIV of 9 while my Togetic has exactly 0. That would result in both being male, but the game displays Togetic (with 0) as female. I rechecked the IVs with PikaSav, but it displays the same values. Does anyone have an idea, why? I hope, my thoughts and my questions are understandable. Greetings, Tim
  3. I guess you got me wrong. The PID stuff is already done. "compare against species value to determine if M/F" -> That's the problem. I have to find/create a table with all the species values :// I already started creating my own table, but thx anyways.
  4. Thank you but it didn't help me. I guess in Generation 5 there is directly saved, if a Pokemon is male, female or genderless.
  5. Hi ^^ right now I'm writing a gen III savegame editor with box and team pokemon support and the next step I have to do is addinng some ROM information to my program, like which Pokemon has which abilitys and what gender ratios. Does someone know a table with all that info? (or even with a part of it), because its a paiinfull work to type it myself for all the hundrets of pokemon. Greets, Tim
  6. Thanks for your fast reply, the unown thing is nice now I knew the caught data info on bulbapedia, but it is only for crystal. In generation I (r/b/y), I think, there's only the name saved, is it the same in gold/silver? Tahnks for your help :wink:
  7. Hey guys, I know this thread is very (VERY) old, and I'm sorry for reviving it, but I have a few questions. In metal generation, did anyone find something out about OTs gender? And does anyone know how to find unowns shape? I'm a hobbyist programmer too and I'm writing a program wich allows to trade pokemon from generation 2 to generation 3 games (the only thing, the pokemon developers didn't include in their games -.-) and those two things are the only things I wasn't abled to find out. My generation 3 part is complete right now. Thanks, Tim
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