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About jimmyshady

  • Birthday 07/20/1986
  1. riolu could you work on the code for rebatle latios from the enigma stone event please i will thank you so much my friend
  2. i tried that to but is for the roaming latias in heart gold not for the latios from the enigma stone
  3. i know that code thanks ive already caught a latios but i need to re-do the event i have another enigma stone from the green man at pokemart but when i enter the museum in pewter city nothing hapen so i need the code to re-caught latios from the enigma stone please does anyone know it
  4. can someone helpme with the code that let you re do the enigma stone event to caught latios in heart gold
  5. can someone post the code for rebattle latios i already have a latios but icaught it with an impish nature and iwnt it with modest nature can anyone help me please
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