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About ds22

  • Birthday 07/11/1993

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  1. I've noticed that when you change the 46h value of a hatched pokemon, the hatch location will be changed (IE: B6 is Ilex Forest while C2 is Route 46).
  2. I figured this out a few days ago but this thanks for the info.:grog:
  3. http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showforum=41 There are 3 patches.
  4. It's bugging me a lot that I can't put the text back into the game.
  5. Probably, but I didn't find anything as of yet.
  6. I know about that patch because I made that patch. Heart Gold and Soul Silver are build differently in perspective of pal park pointers.(if that is how you call it)
  7. Whenever I try to patch the text back into the msg.narc I get this error message. the NEW Poketext (C) 2008/2009 loadingNOW Romname:Cannot create temp Folder tmp_soulsilver (this is no problem if it exsis ts and contains a complete rom) >Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 123, in <module> File "<string>", line 59, in Rewrite File "thenewpoketext\buildthenewpoketext\out1.pyz/pokexml", line 28, in __init __ File "thenewpoketext\buildthenewpoketext\out1.pyz/xml.dom.minidom", line 1913, in parse File "thenewpoketext\buildthenewpoketext\out1.pyz/xml.dom.expatbuilder", line 924, in parse File "thenewpoketext\buildthenewpoketext\out1.pyz/xml.dom.expatbuilder", line 207, in parseFile xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: not well-formed (invalid token): line 17998, colum n 13 Druk op een toets om door te gaan. . . It also happens when using the original .xml file. What did I do wrong?
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