Pokémon Edit Menu

This menu allows you to edit any aspect of a specific Pokémon.

Note: If you add a Pokémon that you haven't caught before, it will NOT be recorded into the Pokédex. If this happens, you will own the Pokémon but not the Pokédex entry, creating a contradiction.

One way to record a Pokémon into the Pokédex is to put the Pokémon into an egg and enter 1 as how many steps left until hatch (you will still have to walk some steps before it hatches). When the Pokémon hatches, it will be recorded in the Pokédex. All hatched Pokémon start out at Level 1, so be sure to go back into Pokésav and fix this. Pokésav cannot edit individual Pokédex entries.

Stats Edit: After editing a Pokémon, press this and choose all max to ensure that all the EVs and IVs add up properly.

Delete: Delete the Pokémon

Pokémon: The Pokémon's species

Item: Current hold item

Trainer ID, Secret ID: The Pokémon's original trainer IDs. Press Input Own ID to fill these in with your own IDs.

Level: The Pokémon's current level. This will automatically change if you enter an exp. point value.

Exp. Points: The Pokémon's current number of experience points. This will automatically change if you enter a level.

Happiness: A number representing the Pokémon's loyalty, with 0 being the least friendly and 255 being the most friendly.

PID (also called Attribute): Pressing create allows you to edit a Pokémon's nature, gender, and shiny status.

There is also an option here labeled Class, which changes based on a Pokémon's ability. Since some species of Pokémon have more than one possible ability, the first option will indicate the Pokémon's first ability, the second option will indicate the Pokémon's second ability. For example, an Eevee with Run Away will have the first Class, while an Eevee with Adaptability will have the second Class. For more information about a Pokémon's abilities and the order they come in, look up the Pokémon in Bulbapedia.

Editing the Attibute value will invalidate some Pokémon in Legality Checker and Pika Anti Cheat. To counter this, simply make the Pokémon hatched.

Pokérus: Checking/unchecking these boxes will infect/disinfect the Pokémon with Pokérus. Pokérus doubles the number of EVs received from battle. If the cured box is checked, the Pokémon will have the stat-boosting effects of Pokérus but will not be able to transmit the disease to other Pokémon. Pokémon that are infected will eventually become cured normally.

Individual Value: The IVs of each of the Pokémon's stats. These range from 0 to 31. Pressing All Max will set all the IVs to 31.

Editing the IVs will invalidate some Pokémon in legit.exe and Pika Anti Cheat. To combat this, simply make the Pokémon hatched.

Effort Value: The EVs of each of the Pokémon's stats. These range from 0 to 255 and should not exceed 510 total.

Pressing All Max will set these all to 255, however, remember that normally a Pokémon's total EVs cannot exceed 510. If a Pokémon's total EVs exceeds 510, it is considered cheating and will NOT be playable in tournaments.

Pressing All 85 will evenly distribute the EVs across all stats so that they add up to 510.

Contest Stats: The stats of a Pokémon used in contests (for example, cool, smart, etc.) ranging from 0 to 255. Pressing All Max will set these all to 255.

Name: The Pokémon's name. Press original name to set the name to the Pokémon species. To assign a nickname to the Pokémon, enter a different name in the box.

If a Pokémon's nickname is different from its original name, the nickname box MUST be checked.

OT: The Pokémon's original trainer. Press Input Own OT to make this the player's name.

Trainer Gender: The Pokémon's trainer's gender. This should only be changed if the actual trainer's gender was changed.

Ball Caught With: The kind of Pokéball the Pokémon was caught with. If the Pokémon was hatched from an egg, set this to an ordinary Pokéball.

Ability: The Pokémon's ability. See an online Pokédex to find out which abilities are compatible with each Pokémon species. If the Ability of a Pokémon is modified, the Class should also be changed accordingly.

Marking: There are six marks corresponding with different shapes in the game. Check these boxes to mark the Pokémon with shapes.

Battle Moves: The Pokémon's moveset. I suggest filling each PP value to 1 and healing at a Pokémon Center in-game. This saves you the trouble of having to look up how many PPs a certain move has.

You can also apply PP Ups to a Pokémon here. Up to 3 PP Ups can be applied for each move, and the number of PPs they add depend on the specific move. Press All Max to use 3 PP Ups on each move.

Contests: The contests that the Pokémon has won. Always mark these from the top and work your way down (for example, to make a Pokémon win a Master rank contest, check the hyper, super, and normal rank boxes as well). Press All Complete to have your Pokémon finish all the contests.

Met at Level: The level at which the Pokémon was caught. If it was hatched, leave this at 0.

Met in Place: This is where the Pokémon was caught or hatched. Use the drop down list to choose a location.

Date Met: The date you met (caught or hatched) the Pokémon.

Egg Location: If the Pokémon was hatched from an egg, set this to DayCareCouple or wherever you received the egg. If the Pokémon was caught, set this to (none).

Date Egg Received: The date that you obtained the egg.

Hometown: The game version (such as Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum) and region (such as Sinnoh or Hoenn) at which the Pokémon was caught or hatched.

Ribbons: Click this to bring up a window with checkboxes and ribbon names. Check or uncheck boxes to add or remove ribbons.

Country: The game region where the Pokémon was caught. In most cases, set this to the region of your game.

Fateful Encounter: Checked for certain event Pokémon such as Manaphy and Darkrai. For the most part, leave this alone.

Hidden Value: The only thing to worry about here is the box next to 85h. Set this byte according to how the Pokemon was obtained:

In Platinum, the 46h value is also important. This issue is still being researched.

Egg: Checking the enable box will make the Pokémon into an egg, regardless of its level. Fill in the box to change how many steps until the egg hatches (this is multiplied by 256).

UNOWN Shape: Only accessible if the Pokémon is an Unown. This changes the Unown's letter.

BURMY/WORMADAM Form: Only accessible If the Pokémon is a Burmy or Wormadam. This changes the Pokémon's form (Plant, Sand, or Trash).

SHELLOS/GASTRODON Form: Only accessible if the Pokémon is a Shellos or Gastrodon. This changes the Pokémon's form (East or West).

DEOXYS Forme: Only accessible if the Pokémon is a Deoxys. Choose between Normal, Attack, Defense, and Speed.

Rotom Forme (Platinum only): Only accessible if the Pokémon is a Rotom. Choose between Rotom's different formes here, including Normal, Heat, Wash, Frost, Spin, and Cut.

Giratina Forme (Platinum only): Choose between the Origin and Another formes of Giratina.

Shaymin Forme (Platinum only): Choose between the Sky and Normal formes of Shaymin.